Amnaya Awasthi
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Cited by
Modeling of graphene–polymer interfacial mechanical behavior using molecular dynamics
AP Awasthi, DC Lagoudas, DC Hammerand
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17 (1), 015002, 2008
In search of amorphization-resistant boron carbide
G Subhash, AP Awasthi, C Kunka, P Jannotti, M DeVries
Scripta Materialia 123, 158-162, 2016
Propagation of solitary waves in 2D granular media: a numerical study
AP Awasthi, KJ Smith, PH Geubelle, J Lambros
Mechanics of Materials 54, 100-112, 2012
Wave propagation in elasto-plastic granular systems
RK Pal, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Granular Matter 15, 747-758, 2013
High-pressure deformation and amorphization in boron carbide
AP Awasthi, G Subhash
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (21), 2019
Effects of weak disorder on stress-wave anisotropy in centered square nonlinear granular crystals
A Leonard, C Daraio, A Awasthi, P Geubelle
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (3 …, 2012
Deformation behavior and amorphization in icosahedral boron-rich ceramics
A Awasthi, G Subhash
Progress in Materials Science 112, 100664, 2020
Wave propagation in random granular chains
M Manjunath, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Plane wave propagation in 2D and 3D monodisperse periodic granular media
M Manjunath, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Granular Matter 16, 141-150, 2014
Shocked ceramics melt: An atomistic analysis of thermodynamic behavior of boron carbide
M DeVries, G Subhash, A Awasthi
Physical Review B 101 (14), 144107, 2020
Propagation and dissipation of elasto-plastic stress waves in two dimensional ordered granular media
RF Waymel, E Wang, A Awasthi, PH Geubelle, J Lambros
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 120, 117-131, 2018
Characterization of wave propagation in elastic and elastoplastic granular chains
RK Pal, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Physical Review E 89 (1), 012204, 2014
Effects of interface roughness on cohesive strength of self-assembled monolayers
C Zhang, P Awasthi, Amnaya, P Geubelle, E Grady, Martha, ...
Applied Surface Science, 2016
Crystallographic and spectral equivalence of boron-carbide polymorphs
C Kunka, A Awasthi, G Subhash
Scripta Materialia 122, 82-85, 2016
Evaluating boron-carbide constituents with simulated Raman spectra
C Kunka, A Awasthi, G Subhash
Scripta Materialia 138, 32-34, 2017
Multi-scale model of effects of roughness on the cohesive strength of self-assembled monolayers
C Zhang, AP Awasthi, J Sung, PH Geubelle, NR Sottos
International Journal of Fracture 208, 131-143, 2017
Wave propagation in 2D random granular media
M Manjunath, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 266, 42-48, 2014
High-amplitude elastic solitary wave propagation in 1-D granular chains with preconditioned beads: Experiments and theoretical analysis
E Wang, M Manjunath, AP Awasthi, RK Pal, PH Geubelle, J Lambros
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 72, 161-173, 2014
Family of plane solitary waves in dimer granular crystals
M Manjunath, AP Awasthi, PH Geubelle
Physical Review E 90 (3), 032209, 2014
Modeling of interface behavior in carbon nanotube composites
A Awasthi, D Lagoudas, D Hammerand
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2006
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Articles 1–20