Edward Luke
Edward Luke
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University
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Cited by
A fast mesh deformation method using explicit interpolation
E Luke, E Collins, E Blades
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2), 586-601, 2012
Exploring traditional and emerging parallel programming models using a proxy application
I Karlin, A Bhatele, J Keasler, BL Chamberlain, J Cohen, Z DeVito, ...
2013 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2013
Loci: A rule-based framework for parallel multi-disciplinary simulation synthesis
EA Luke, T George
Journal of Functional Programming 15 (3), 477-502, 2005
Lulesh programming model and performance ports overview
I Karlin
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2012
Numerical simulations of mixtures of fluids using upwind algorithms
EA Luke, P Cinnella
Computers & Fluids 36 (10), 1547-1566, 2007
Coupling heat transfer and fluid flow solvers for multidisciplinary simulations
QY Liu, EA Luke, P Cinnella
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 19 (4), 417-427, 2005
Loci: A deductive framework for graph-based algorithms
EA Luke
International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel …, 1999
On robust and accurate arbitrary polytope CFD solvers
E Luke
18th AIAA computational fluid dynamics conference, 3956, 2007
Eulerian simulations of icing collection efficiency using a singularity diffusion model
X Tong, E Luke
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1246, 2005
Chem 2: A finite-rate viscous chemistry solver–the user guide
EA Luke, XL Tong, J Wu, P Cinnella, R Chamberlain
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, Tech. Rep, 2004
A rule-based specification system for computational fluid dynamics
EA Luke
Mississippi State University, 1999
Defining and measuring scalability
EA Luke
Proceedings of Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, 183-186, 1993
Comprehensive code verification techniques for finite volume CFD codes
SP Veluri, CJ Roy, EA Luke
Computers & fluids 70, 59-72, 2012
Multiphysics simulation capability using the SIMULIA co-simulation engine
E Blades, S Miskovish, E Luke, E Collins, A Kurkchubashe
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3397, 2011
Verification of RANS turbulence models in Loci-CHEM using the method of manufactured solutions
C Roy, E Tendean, S Veluri, R Rifki, E Luke, S Hebert
18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4203, 2007
Comprehensive code verification for an unstructured finite volume CFD code
S Veluri, C Roy, E Luke
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2010
A step towards' shape-shifting'algorithms-Reacting flow simulations using generalized grids
E Luke, XL Tong, J Wu, L Tang, P Cinnella
39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 897, 2001
Three-dimensional surface evolution and mesh deformation for aircraft icing applications
X Tong, D Thompson, Q Arnoldus, E Collins, E Luke
Journal of Aircraft 54 (3), 1047-1063, 2017
Comprehensive numerical study of jet-flow impingement over flat plates
J Wu, L Tang, EA Luke, XL Tong, P Cinnella
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 39 (3), 357-366, 2002
Dynamic hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/large-eddy simulation of a supersonic cavity: chemistry effects
E Hassan, DM Peterson, DK Walters, EA Luke
Journal of Propulsion and Power 35 (1), 201-212, 2019
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Articles 1–20