Coen Rigtering
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Cited by
Entrepreneurial orientation and the business performance of SMEs: a quantitative study from the Netherlands
S Kraus, JPC Rigtering, M Hughes, V Hosman
Review of Managerial Science 6, 161-182, 2012
Individual and team entrepreneurial orientation: Scale development and configurations for success
JG Covin, JPC Rigtering, M Hughes, S Kraus, CF Cheng, RB Bouncken
Journal of Business Research 112, 1-12, 2020
Work context and employee behaviour as antecedents for intrapreneurship
JPC Rigtering, U Weitzel
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 9, 337-360, 2013
Innovative behaviour, trust and perceived workplace performance
M Hughes, JPC Rigtering, JG Covin, RB Bouncken, S Kraus
British Journal of Management 29 (4), 750-768, 2018
Digitalization in the financial industry: A contingency approach of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic vision on digitalization
T Niemand, JPC Rigtering, A Kallmünzer, S Kraus, A Maalaoui
European management journal 39 (3), 317-326, 2021
Sharing and shaping: A cross-country comparison of how sharing economy firms shape their institutional environment to gain legitimacy
B Uzunca, JPC Rigtering, P Ozcan
Academy of management discoveries 4 (3), 248-272, 2018
A comparative analysis of the entrepreneurial orientation/growth relationship in service firms and manufacturing firms
JPC Rigtering, S Kraus, F Eggers, SH Jensen
The Service Industries Journal 34 (4), 275-294, 2014
Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic planning and firm performance: The impact of national cultures
JPC Rigtering, F Eggers, S Kraus, ML Chang
European Journal of International Management 11 (3), 301-324, 2017
Increasing quantity without compromising quality: How managerial framing affects intrapreneurship
JPCC Rigtering, GUU Weitzel, KK Muehlfeld
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (2), 224-241, 2019
Socioemotional wealth and innovativeness in small‐and medium‐sized family enterprises: A configuration approach
J Gast, M Filser, JPC Rigtering, R Harms, S Kraus, M Chang
Journal of Small Business Management 56, 53-67, 2018
The effect of corporate—start-up collaborations on corporate entrepreneurship
JPC Rigtering, MA Behrens
Review of Managerial Science 15 (8), 2427-2454, 2021
Entrepreneurial orientation and digitalization in the financial service industry: A contingency approach
T Niemand, C Rigtering, A Kallmünzer, S Kraus, S Matijas
Strategic corporate entrepreneurship: a configuration approach-based case study
S Kraus, C Rigtering
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 9 (2), 101-121, 2017
Intrapreneurs, high performers, or hybrid stars? How individual entrepreneurial orientation affects employee performance
C Rigtering, T Niemand, V Phan, J Gawke
Journal of Business Research 176, 114596, 2024
Heroes of diffusion: Making user innovations widely available
JPJ de Jong, C Rigtering, L Spaans
Research Policy 52 (8), 104840, 2023
Travelers' conversion behavior at foreign cash withdrawals: An experimental study
D Gerritsen, JPC Rigtering, S Bouw, S Vonk
Annals of Tourism Research 50, 162-165, 2014
Corporate entrepreneurship as a company philosophy: the case of ‘&samhoud’
S Kraus, C Rigtering
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 11 (3), 245-249, 2010
Entrepreneurial orientation: Multilevel analysis and consequences
JPC Rigtering
Utrecht University, 2013
How to bridge the nurse innovation–diffusion gap? An in-depth case study of Create4Care
C Rigtering, LJ Spaans, JPJ de Jong
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1209965, 2023
Dynamic Currency Conversion Payment Options Specifically Harm Less Financially Literate Customers
DF Gerritsen, BS Lancee, JPC Rigtering
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 42 (3), 203-222, 2023
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Articles 1–20