Thomas Merkling
Thomas Merkling
Nancy Clinical Investigation Centre, Inserm 1433, CHRU Nancy,Université de Lorraine
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Age-related differences in the cloacal microbiota of a wild bird species
WFD van Dongen, J White, HB Brandl, Y Moodley, T Merkling, S Leclaire, ...
BMC ecology 13, 1-12, 2013
Temporal trends in mortality and readmission after acute heart failure: a systematic review and meta‐regression in the past four decades
A Kimmoun, K Takagi, E Gall, S Ishihara, P Hammoum, N El Beze, ...
European Journal of Heart Failure 23 (3), 420-431, 2021
Preen secretions encode information on MHC similarity in certain sex-dyads in a monogamous seabird
S Leclaire, WFD van Dongen, S Voccia, T Merkling, C Ducamp, SA Hatch, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 6920, 2014
Semiochemical compounds of preen secretion reflect genetic make-up in a seabird species
S Leclaire, T Merkling, C Raynaud, H Mulard, JM Bessiere, E Lhuillier, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1731), 1185-1193, 2012
Food availability and offspring sex in a monogamous seabird: insights from an experimental approach
T Merkling, S Leclaire, E Danchin, E Lhuillier, RH Wagner, J White, ...
Behavioral Ecology 23 (4), 751-758, 2012
An individual and a sex odor signature in kittiwakes? Study of the semiochemical composition of preen secretion and preen down feathers
S Leclaire, T Merkling, C Raynaud, G Giacinti, JM Bessière, SA Hatch, ...
Naturwissenschaften 98, 615-624, 2011
Effects of developmental conditions on growth, stress and telomeres in black‐legged kittiwake chicks
RC Young, J Welcker, CP Barger, SA Hatch, T Merkling, EV Kitaiskaia, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (13), 3572-3584, 2017
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
BMC biology 23 (1), 35, 2025
Water intake and progression of chronic kidney disease: the CKD-REIN cohort study
S Wagner, T Merkling, M Metzger, L Bankir, M Laville, L Frimat, C Combe, ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37 (4), 730-739, 2022
Is natural hatching asynchrony optimal? An experimental investigation of sibling competition patterns in a facultatively siblicidal seabird
T Merkling, L Agdere, E Albert, R Durieux, SA Hatch, E Danchin, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 309-319, 2014
Ecotourism impacts on the behaviour of whale sharks: an experimental approach
AN Montero-Quintana, JA Vázquez-Haikin, T Merkling, P Blanchard, ...
Oryx 54 (2), 270-275, 2020
Patterns and variation in the mammal parasite–glucocorticoid relationship
C Defolie, T Merkling, C Fichtel
Biological Reviews 95 (1), 74-93, 2020
Reproductive effort and oxidative stress: effects of offspring sex and number on the physiological state of a long‐lived bird
T Merkling, P Blanchard, O Chastel, G Glauser, A Vallat‐Michel, SA Hatch, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (6), 1201-1209, 2017
Performance evaluation of a PCR panel (FilmArray® Pneumonia Plus) for detection of respiratory bacterial pathogens in respiratory specimens: A systematic review and meta-analysis
AC Moy, A Kimmoun, T Merkling, B Berçot, F Caméléna, T Poncin, ...
Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine 42 (6), 101300, 2023
Seed mass and elevation explain variation in seed longevity of Australian alpine species
A Satyanti, AB Nicotra, T Merkling, LK Guja
Seed Science Research 28 (4), 319-331, 2018
Maternal testosterone and offspring sex-ratio in birds and mammals: a meta-analysis
T Merkling, S Nakagawa, M Lagisz, LE Schwanz
Evolutionary Biology 45, 96-104, 2018
Association between in-ICU red blood cells transfusion and 1-year mortality in ICU survivors
A Blet, JB McNeil, J Josse, B Cholley, R Cinotti, G Cotter, A Dauvergne, ...
Critical Care 26 (1), 307, 2022
Sexual selection predicts brain structure in dragon lizards
D Hoops, JFP Ullmann, AL Janke, M Vidal‐Garcia, T Stait‐Gardner, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (2), 244-256, 2017
Phylogeographic structure across one of the largest intact tropical savannahs: Molecular and morphological analysis of Australia’s iconic frilled lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii
M Pepper, DG Hamilton, T Merkling, N Svedin, B Cser, RA Catullo, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 106, 217-227, 2017
Carotenoids increase immunity and sex specifically affect color and redox homeostasis in a monochromatic seabird
S Leclaire, V Bourret, P Blanchard, C de Franceschi, T Merkling, SA Hatch, ...
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 69, 1097-1111, 2015
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Articles 1–20