Antun Skuric
Antun Skuric
PhD candidate, AUCTUS Team, INRIA Bordeaux
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A Recursive Watermark Method for Hard Real-Time Industrial Control System Cyber-Resilience Enhancement
Z Song, A Skuric, K Ji
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 17 (2), 1030-1043, 2020
SimpleFOC: a field oriented control (FOC) library for controlling brushless direct current (BLDC) and stepper motors
A Skuric, HS Bank, R Unger, O Williams, D González-Reyes
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (74), 4232, 2022
On-line force capability evaluation based on efficient polytope vertex search
A Skuric, V Padois, D Daney
IEEE ICRA 2021-International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2020
On-line feasible wrench polytope evaluation based on human musculoskeletal models: an iterative convex hull method
A Skuric, V Padois, N Rezzoug, D Daney
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 5206-5213, 2022
Rhoban football club: RoboCup Humanoid KidSize 2019 champion team paper
L Gondry, L Hofer, P Laborde-Zubieta, O Ly, L Mathé, G Passault, ...
RoboCup 2019: Robot World Cup XXIII 23, 491-503, 2019
Approximating robot reachable space using convex polytopes
A Skuric, V Padois, D Daney
International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, 45-60, 2023
Pycapacity: a real-time task-space capacity calculation package for robotics and biomechanics
A Skuric, V Padois, D Daney
Journal of Open Source Software 8 (89), 5670, 2023
Model Predictive Control for robots adapting their task space motion online
NT Alberto, A Skuric, L Joseph, V Padois, D Daney
Linear Model Predictive Control in SE (3) for online trajectory planning in dynamic workspaces
NT Alberto, A Skuric, L Joseph, V Padois, D Daney
Online approach to near time-optimal task-space trajectory planning
A Skuric, NT Alberto, L Joseph, V Padois, D Daney
A coupled view of the physical abilities of human-robot dyad for the online quantitative evaluation of assistance needs
A Skuric
University of Bordeaux; Inria, 2023
Dynamics aware Cartesian wrench polytope estimation based on human musculoskeletal models
A Skuric, N Rezzoug, D Daney, V Padois
48ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, 2023
Simulation Study of the Upper-limb Wrench Feasible Set with Glenohumeral Joint Constraints
N Rezzoug, A Skuric, V Padois, D Daney
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.07487, 2023
Online task-space trajectory planning using real-time estimations of robot motion capabilities
A Skuric, NT Alberto, L Joseph, V Padois, D Daney
Common wrench capability evaluation of a human-robot collaborative system
A Skuric, N Rezzoug, D Daney, V Padois
46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique 24 (sup1), S242-S245, 2021
Efficient calculation of human wrench capacity based on human musculoskeletal models Application in collaborative robot control
A Skuric, V Padois, N Rezzoug, D Daney
Exosquelettes pour l’assistance physique: quelles solutions optimales?, 2021
Automating of an adaptable fixing device for cyber physical production systems
A Skurić
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2017
Sustav daljinskog nadgledanja i vođenja procesa preko globalne računalne mreže zasnovan na Arduino/PcDuino ugradbenom računalnom sustavu
A Skurić
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing., 2014
Efficient calculation of human wrench capacity based on human musculoskeletal models
A Skuric, V Padois, N Rezzoug, D Daney
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Articles 1–19