Vesna (Domen) Novak
Cited by
Cited by
Virtual reality technology and applications
M Mihelj, D Novak, S Beguš
Springer 10, 978-94, 2014
A survey of sensor fusion methods in wearable robotics
D Novak, R Riener
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 73, 155-170, 2015
Increasing motivation in robot-aided arm rehabilitation with competitive and cooperative gameplay
D Novak, A Nagle, U Keller, R Riener
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 11, 1-15, 2014
A survey of methods for data fusion and system adaptation using autonomic nervous system responses in physiological computing
D Novak, M Mihelj, M Munih
Interacting with computers 24 (3), 154-172, 2012
Competitive and cooperative arm rehabilitation games played by a patient and unimpaired person: effects on motivation and exercise intensity
M Gorsic, I Cikajlo, D Novak
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 14, 2017
Automated detection of gait initiation and termination using wearable sensors
D Novak, P Reberšek, SMM De Rossi, M Donati, J Podobnik, T Beravs, ...
Medical engineering & physics 35 (12), 1713-1720, 2013
Virtual rehabilitation environment using principles of intrinsic motivation and game design
M Mihelj, D Novak, M Milavec, J Ziherl, A Olenšek, M Munih
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 21 (1), 1-15, 2012
Real-time closed-loop control of cognitive load in neurological patients during robot-assisted gait training
A Koenig, D Novak, X Omlin, M Pulfer, E Perreault, L Zimmerli, M Mihelj, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 19 (4 …, 2011
Psychophysiological responses to robotic rehabilitation tasks in stroke
D Novak, J Ziherl, A Olenšek, M Milavec, J Podobnik, M Mihelj, M Munih
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 18 (4 …, 2010
Psychophysiological measurements in a biocooperative feedback loop for upper extremity rehabilitation
D Novak, M Mihelj, J Ziherl, A Olensek, M Munih
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 19 (4 …, 2011
A multisession evaluation of an adaptive competitive arm rehabilitation game
M Goršič, I Cikajlo, N Goljar, D Novak
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-15, 2017
Psychophysiological responses to different levels of cognitive and physical workload in haptic interaction
D Novak, M Mihelj, M Munih
Robotica 29 (3), 367-374, 2011
Toward real-time automated detection of turns during gait using wearable inertial measurement units
D Novak, M Goršič, J Podobnik, M Munih
Sensors 14 (10), 18800-18822, 2014
Development of gait segmentation methods for wearable foot pressure sensors
S De Rossi, S Crea, M Donati, P Reberšek, D Novak, N Vitiello, T Lenzi, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2012
Metrological evaluation of skin conductance measurements
J Ogorevc, G Geršak, D Novak, J Drnovšek
Measurement 46 (9), 2993-3001, 2013
Workload estimation in physical human–robot interaction using physiological measurements
D Novak, B Beyeler, X Omlin, R Riener
Interacting with computers 27 (6), 616-629, 2015
Development and validation of a wearable inertial measurement system for use with lower limb exoskeletons
T Beravs, P Reberšek, D Novak, J Podobnik, M Munih
2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 212-217, 2011
Gait segmentation using bipedal foot pressure patterns
SMM De Rossi, S Crea, M Donati, P Reberšek, D Novak, N Vitiello, ...
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Predicting targets of human reaching motions using different sensing technologies
D Novak, X Omlin, R Leins-Hess, R Riener
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (9), 2645-2654, 2013
Evaluation of the HeroWear Apex back-assist exosuit during multiple brief tasks
M Goršič, Y Song, B Dai, D Novak
Journal of Biomechanics 126, 110620, 2021
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Articles 1–20