M. Brian Blake
Cited by
Cited by
Report of a Workshop on the Scope and Nature of Computational Thinking
National Research Council (US). Committee for the Workshops on Computational ...
Natl Academy Pr, 2010
Service-oriented computing and cloud computing: Challenges and opportunities
Y Wei, MB Blake
IEEE Internet Computing 14 (6), 72-75, 2010
Report of a Workshop of Pedagogical Aspects of Computational Thinking
C the Workshops on Computational Thinking
National Academies Press, 2011
Social-network-sourced big data analytics
W Tan, MB Blake, I Saleh, S Dustdar
IEEE Internet Computing 17 (5), 62-69, 2013
A service computing manifesto: the next 10 years
A Bouguettaya, M Singh, M Huhns, QZ Sheng, H Dong, Q Yu, AG Neiat, ...
Communications of the ACM 60 (4), 64-72, 2017
Assessing and responding to the growth of computer science undergraduate enrollments
National Academies of Sciences, Division on Engineering, ...
National Academies Press, 2018
An operation-time simulation framework for UAV swarm configuration and mission planning
Y Wei, MB Blake, GR Madey
Procedia Computer Science 18, 1949-1958, 2013
Agent-oriented compositional approaches to services-based cross-organizational workflow
MB Blake, H Gomaa
Decision Support Systems 40 (1), 31-50, 2005
Generalized semantics-based service composition
S Kona, A Bansal, MB Blake, G Gupta
2008 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 219-227, 2008
A web service recommender system using enhanced syntactical matching
MB Blake, MF Nowlan
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 575-582, 2007
System for and method of using component-based development and web tools to support a distributed data management system
MB Blake, J Hoyt, G Hamilton
US Patent App. 10/301,289, 2012
Trust-based dynamic web service composition using social network analysis
SK Bansal, A Bansal, MB Blake
2010 IEEE International Workshop on: Business Applications of Social Network …, 2010
IGSTK: an open source software toolkit for image-guided surgery
K Gary, L Ibanez, S Aylward, D Gobbi, MB Blake, K Cleary
Computer 39 (4), 46-53, 2006
iMashup: a mashup-based framework for service composition
X Liu, G Huang, Q Zhao, H Mei, MB Blake
Science China Information Sciences 57, 1-20, 2014
WSC-2009: a quality of service-oriented web services challenge
S Kona, A Bansal, MB Blake, S Bleul, T Weise
2009 ieee conference on commerce and enterprise computing, 487-490, 2009
Model-based automated navigation and composition of complex service mashups
G Huang, Y Ma, X Liu, Y Luo, X Lu, MB Blake
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 8 (3), 494-506, 2014
WSC-08: continuing the web services challenge
A Bansal, MB Blake, S Kona, S Bleul, T Weise, MC Jaeger
2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE …, 2008
Decomposing composition: Service-oriented software engineers
MB Blake
IEEE software 24 (6), 68-77, 2007
Distributed service-oriented robotics
SL Remy, MB Blake
IEEE Internet Computing 15 (2), 70-74, 2011
A student-enacted simulation approach to software engineering education
MB Blake
IEEE Transactions on Education 46 (1), 124-132, 2003
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Articles 1–20