Broadband internet and social capital A Geraci, M Nardotto, T Reggiani, F Sabatini Journal of Public Economics 206, 104578, 2022 | 89 | 2022 |
Clinical researches on the efficacy of spa therapy in fibromyalgia: a systematic review A Fraioli, M Grassi, G Mennuni, A Geraci, L Petraccia, M Fontana, S Conte, ... Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanitą 49, 219-229, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
Testing exogeneity of multinomial regressors in count data models: does two-stage residual inclusion work? A Geraci, D Fabbri, C Monfardini Journal of Econometric Methods 7 (1), 20140019, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
The therapeutic activity of sulphate-bicarbonate-calcium-magnesiac mineral water in the functional disorders of the biliary tract G Mennuni, L Petraccia, M Fontana, S Nocchi, E Stortini, M Romoli, ... Clin Ter 165 (5), e346-52, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Googling unemployment during the pandemic: Inference and nowcast using search data G Caperna, M Colagrossi, A Geraci, G Mazzarella JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Perceived risk and vaccine hesitancy: Quasi‐experimental evidence from Italy C Deiana, A Geraci, G Mazzarella, F Sabatini Health Economics 31 (6), 1266-1275, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
A babel of web-searches: Googling unemployment during the pandemic G Caperna, M Colagrossi, A Geraci, G Mazzarella Labour Economics 74, 102097, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Intimate partner violence and help-seeking: The role of femicide news M Colagrossi, C Deiana, D Dragone, A Geraci, L Giua, E Iori Journal of health economics 87, 102722, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
Hang up on stereotypes: Domestic violence and an anti‐abuse helpline campaign M Colagrossi, C Deiana, A Geraci, L Giua Contemporary Economic Policy 40 (4), 585-611, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Tracking EU Citizens’ Interest in EC Priorities Using Online Search Data-The European Green Deal V ALBERTI, G CAPERNA, M COLAGROSSI, A GERACI, G MAZZARELLA, ... | 10 | 2024 |
Are wind turbines a mafia windfall? The unintended consequences of green incentives C Deiana, A Geraci Regional Science and Urban Economics 89, 103691, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Sifting through the ASHE: Job Polarisation and Earnings Inequality in the UK, 1975-2015 A Cristini, A Geraci, J Muellbauer Institute for New Economic Thinking Research Output, 1-47, 2017 | 7* | 2017 |
Intergenerational mobility in the Netherlands: models, outcomes and trends M Colagrossi, A Geraci, G Mazzarella The Journal of Economic Inequality 21 (4), 775-788, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
COVID-19 relief programs and compliance with confinement measures C Deiana, A Geraci, G Mazzarella, F Sabatini IZA Discussion Paper, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
The evaluation of the youth employment initiative in Portugal using counterfactual impact evaluation methods N Duarte, A Geraci, S Granato, G Mazzarella, MJ Mortįgua Publications Office of the European Union, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
JobsPlus evaluation H Cronin, A Ferrara, A Geraci, S Hardiman, C Judge, G Mazzarella, ... JRC Technical Reports, 1-44, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Two generations of siblings and cousins correlations across the ancestors’ wealth distribution M Colagrossi, C Deiana, A Geraci, L Giua, G Mazzarella Available at SSRN 3749134, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Can relief measures nudge compliance in a public health crisis? Evidence from a kinked fiscal policy rule C Deiana, A Geraci, G Mazzarella, F Sabatini Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 202, 407-428, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Matching using sequences: the evaluation of the Irish JobsPlus wage subsidy scheme H Chronin, AR Ferrara, A Geraci, G Mazzarella, G Santangelo JRC Technical Report, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Advanced counterfactual evaluation methods: guidance document C Deiana, A Geraci, EC Meroni Directorate-General for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion-Report …, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |