Siddharth Deshpande
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Cited by
Octanol-assisted liposome assembly on chip
S Deshpande, Y Caspi, AEC Meijering, C Dekker
Nature communications 7 (1), 10447, 2016
Spatiotemporal control of coacervate formation within liposomes
S Deshpande, F Brandenburg, A Lau, MGF Last, WK Spoelstra, L Reese, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1800, 2019
Second messenger–mediated tactile response by a bacterial rotary motor
I Hug, S Deshpande, KS Sprecher, T Pfohl, U Jenal
Science 358 (6362), 531-534, 2017
On-chip microfluidic production of cell-sized liposomes
S Deshpande, C Dekker
Nature protocols 13 (5), 856-874, 2018
pH-controlled coacervate–membrane interactions within liposomes
MGF Last, S Deshpande, C Dekker
ACS nano 14 (4), 4487-4498, 2020
Monitoring single-cell gene regulation under dynamically controllable conditions with integrated microfluidics and software
M Kaiser, F Jug, T Julou, S Deshpande, T Pfohl, OK Silander, G Myers, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 212, 2018
Tailoring the appearance: what will synthetic cells look like?
WK Spoelstra, S Deshpande, C Dekker
Current opinion in biotechnology 51, 47-56, 2018
Mechanical division of cell-sized liposomes
S Deshpande, WK Spoelstra, M Van Doorn, J Kerssemakers, C Dekker
ACS nano 12 (3), 2560-2568, 2018
Shape and size control of artificial cells for bottom-up biology
F Fanalista, A Birnie, R Maan, F Burla, K Charles, G Pawlik, S Deshpande, ...
ACS nano 13 (5), 5439-5450, 2019
Membrane tension–mediated growth of liposomes
S Deshpande, S Wunnava, D Hueting, C Dekker
Small 15 (38), 1902898, 2019
A microfluidic platform for the characterisation of membrane active antimicrobials
K Al Nahas, J Cama, M Schaich, K Hammond, S Deshpande, C Dekker, ...
Lab on a Chip 19 (5), 837-844, 2019
An integrated microfluidic platform for quantifying drug permeation across biomimetic vesicle membranes
M Schaich, J Cama, K Al Nahas, D Sobota, H Sleath, K Jahnke, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 16 (6), 2494-2501, 2019
Hierarchical self-assembly of actin in micro-confinements using microfluidics
S Deshpande, T Pfohl
Biomicrofluidics 6 (3), 2012
Real-time dynamics of emerging actin networks in cell-mimicking compartments
S Deshpande, T Pfohl
PloS one 10 (3), e0116521, 2015
Microfluidics-based single cell analysis reveals drug-dependent motility changes in trypanosomes
A Hochstetter, E Stellamanns, S Deshpande, S Uppaluri, M Engstler, ...
Lab on a Chip 15 (8), 1961-1968, 2015
On-chip density-based purification of liposomes
S Deshpande, A Birnie, C Dekker
Biomicrofluidics 11 (3), 2017
Studying phase separation in confinement
S Deshpande, C Dekker
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 52, 101419, 2021
FtsZ‐Induced Shape Transformation of Coacervates
F Fanalista, S Deshpande, A Lau, G Pawlik, C Dekker
Advanced Biosystems 2 (9), 1800136, 2018
Actinosomes: condensate-templated containers for engineering synthetic cells
KA Ganar, L Leijten, S Deshpande
ACS synthetic biology 11 (8), 2869-2879, 2022
Shaping synthetic cells through cytoskeleton-condensate-membrane interactions
KA Ganar, LW Honaker, S Deshpande
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 54, 101459, 2021
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Articles 1–20