Paloma Martínez (ORCID 0000-0003-3013-3771)
Paloma Martínez (ORCID 0000-0003-3013-3771)
Other namesPaloma Martínez Fernández
Full Professor, Computer Science Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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Cited by
Cited by
Semeval-2013 task 9: Extraction of drug-drug interactions from biomedical texts (ddiextraction 2013)
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, M Herrero-Zazo
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM …, 2013
The DDI corpus: An annotated corpus with pharmacological substances and drug–drug interactions
M Herrero-Zazo, I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, T Declerck
Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (5), 914-920, 2013
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles
M Krallinger, O Rabal, F Leitner, M Vazquez, D Salgado, Z Lu, R Leaman, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-17, 2015
Using a shallow linguistic kernel for drug–drug interaction extraction
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martinez, C de Pablo-Sánchez
Journal of biomedical informatics 44 (5), 789-804, 2011
The 1st DDIExtraction-2011 challenge task: Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from biomedical texts
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martinez, D Sánchez-Cisneros
Proceedings of the 1st challenge task on drug-drug interaction extraction …, 2011
Overlapping factors in search engine optimization and web accessibility
L Moreno, P Martinez
Online information review 37 (4), 564-580, 2013
Learning teaching strategies in an adaptive and intelligent educational system through reinforcement learning
A Iglesias, P Martínez, R Aler, F Fernández
Applied Intelligence 31, 89-106, 2009
Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 shared task
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, M Herrero-Zazo
Journal of biomedical informatics 51, 152-164, 2014
A linguistic rule-based approach to extract drug-drug interactions from pharmacological documents
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, C de Pablo-Sánchez
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-11, 2011
Resolving anaphoras for the extraction of drug-drug interactions in pharmacological documents
I Segura-Bedmar, M Crespo, C de Pablo-Sánchez, P Martínez
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-9, 2010
Evaluating the accessibility of three open‐source learning content management systems: A comparative study
A Iglesias, L Moreno, P Martínez, R Calvo
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 22 (2), 320-328, 2014
Drug name recognition and classification in biomedical texts: a case study outlining approaches underpinning automated systems
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, M Segura-Bedmar
Drug discovery today 13 (17-18), 816-823, 2008
Reinforcement learning of pedagogical policies in adaptive and intelligent educational systems
A Iglesias, P Martínez, R Aler, F Fernández
Knowledge-Based Systems 22 (4), 266-270, 2009
An approach to the integration of accessibility requirements into a user interface development method
R Miñón, L Moreno, P Martínez, J Abascal
Science of Computer Programming 86, 58-73, 2014
Exploring Spanish health social media for detecting drug effects
I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez, R Revert, J Moreno-Schneider
BMC medical informatics and decision making 15, 1-9, 2015
Turning user generated health-related content into actionable knowledge through text analytics services
P Martínez, JL Martínez, I Segura-Bedmar, J Moreno-Schneider, A Luna, ...
Computers in Industry 78, 43-56, 2016
DINTO: using OWL ontologies and SWRL rules to infer drug–drug interactions and their mechanisms
M Herrero-Zazo, I Segura-Bedmar, J Hastings, P Martinez
Journal of chemical information and modeling 55 (8), 1698-1707, 2015
A two-stage deep learning approach for extracting entities and relationships from medical texts
V Suárez-Paniagua, RMR Zavala, I Segura-Bedmar, P Martínez
Journal of biomedical informatics 99, 103285, 2019
Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams
I Segura-Bedmar, R Revert, P Martínez
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on health text mining and …, 2014
Lenguaje, gramáticas y autómatas: un enfoque práctico
P Isasi, P Martínez, D Borrajo
Pearson Educación, 1997
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Articles 1–20