Diego M. Coraiola
Cited by
Cited by
History and the micro‐foundations of dynamic capabilities
R Suddaby, D Coraiola, C Harvey, W Foster
Strategic Management Journal 41 (3), 530-556, 2020
The strategic use of historical narratives: A theoretical framework
WM Foster, DM Coraiola, R Suddaby, J Kroezen, D Chandler
Business history 59 (8), 1176-1200, 2017
Organizational memory studies
H Foroughi, DM Coraiola, J Rintamäki, S Mena, WM Foster
Organization Studies 41 (12), 1725-1748, 2020
New identities from remnants of the past: An examination of the history of beer brewing in Ontario and the recent emergence of craft breweries
K Lamertz, WM Foster, DM Coraiola, J Kroezen
The History of the Beer and Brewing Industry, 186-218, 2018
Varieties of history in organization studies
DM Coraiola, WM Foster, R Suddaby
The Routledge companion to management and organizational history, 206-221, 2015
Indigenous peoples and organization studies
F Bastien, DM Coraiola, WM Foster
Organization Studies 44 (4), 659-675, 2023
Remembering to forget: The historic irresponsibility of US Big Tobacco
DM Coraiola, R Derry
Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2), 233-252, 2020
Rhetorical history as institutional work
R Suddaby, T Israelsen, F Bastien, R Saylors, D Coraiola
Journal of Management Studies 60 (1), 242-278, 2023
Organizational fields as mnemonic communities
D Coraiola, R Suddaby, WM Foster
Knowledge and institutions, 45-68, 2018
Painful memories as mnemonic resources: Grand Canyon Dories and the protection of place
B Crawford, DM Coraiola, MT Dacin
Strategic Organization 20 (1), 51-79, 2022
Estruturação da estratégia-como-prática organizacional: possibilidades analíticas a partir do institucionalismo organizacional
DM Coraiola, CM Mello, M Jacometti
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie 13, 204-231, 2012
Importância dos arquivos empresariais para a pesquisa histórica em Administração no Brasil
DM Coraiola
Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 254-269, 2012
From organizational learning to organizational mnemonics: Redrawing the boundaries of the field
DM Coraiola, MJ Murcia
Management Learning 51 (2), 227-240, 2020
Mnemonic capabilities: Collective memory as a dynamic capability
DM Coraiola, R Suddaby, WM Foster
Revista de Administração de Empresas 57, 258-263, 2017
Discourse Analysis: Investigating Processes of Social Construction
DM Coraiola
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa-RECADM 4 (2), 1-3, 2005
Ecologies of memories: Memory work within and between organizations and communities
DM Coraiola, WM Foster, S Mena, H Foroughi, J Rintamäki
Academy of Management Annals 17 (1), 373-404, 2023
Conciliando agência e contexto na dinâmica da mudança institucional
DM Coraiola, M Jacometti, MA Baratter, SA Gonçalves
Cadernos Ebape. br 13, 701-726, 2015
Estudo de Caso
DM Coraiola, JA Sander, N Maccali, S Bulgacov
Pesquisa Qualitativa em Administração 1, 392, 2013
History, memory, and the past in management and organization studies
DM Coraiola, A Barros, M Maclean, WM Foster
Revista de Administração de Empresas 61, e00000002, 2021
História, memória e passado em estudos organizacionais e de gestão
DM Coraiola, A Barros, M Maclean, WM Foster
Revista de Administração de Empresas 61 (1), e00000002, 2021
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Articles 1–20