margarita lópez corrales
margarita lópez corrales
Doctor Ingeniero agrónomo
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Cited by
Physicochemical and sensorial characterisation of four sweet cherry cultivars grown in Jerte Valley (Spain)
MJ Serradilla, A Martín, S Ruiz-Moyano, A Hernández, M López-Corrales, ...
Food Chemistry 133 (4), 1551-1559, 2012
Physicochemical and bioactive properties evolution during ripening of ‘Ambrunés’ sweet cherry cultivar
MJ Serradilla, M Lozano, MJ Bernalte, MC Ayuso, M López-Corrales, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 44 (1), 199-205, 2011
Characterisation and cross-species transferability of microsatellites in the common fig (Ficus carica L.)
E Giraldo, MA Viruel, M López-Corrales, JI Hormaza
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80 (2), 217-224, 2005
Composition of the Cherry (Prunus avium L. and Prunus cerasus L.; Rosaceae)
MJ Serradilla, A Hernández, M López-Corrales, S Ruiz-Moyano, ...
Nutritional composition of fruit cultivars, 127-147, 2016
Selection of the most discriminating morphological qualitative variables for characterization of fig germplasm
E Giraldo, M López-Corrales, JI Hormaza
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 135 (3), 240-249, 2010
SRNase genotyping and incompatibility group assignment by PCR and pollination experiments in Japanese plum
ME Guerra, J Rodrigo, M López‐Corrales, A Wünsch
Plant Breeding 128 (3), 304-311, 2009
Influence of ripening stage on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in nine fig (Ficus carica L.) varieties grown in Extremadura, Spain
C Pereira, M López-Corrales, MJ Serradilla, M del Carmen Villalobos, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 64, 203-212, 2017
Optimization of the management of an ex-situ germplasm bank in common fig with SSRs
E Giraldo, M Lopez-Corrales, JI Hormaza
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 133 (1), 69-77, 2008
Influence of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on aroma quality of figs (Ficus carica L.)
MC Villalobos, MJ Serradilla, A Martín, E Aranda, M López-Corrales, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 136, 145-151, 2018
Agronomic behaviour and quality of six fig cultivars for fresh consumption
C Pereira, MJ Serradilla, A Martín, M del Carmen Villalobos, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 185, 121-128, 2015
Preservation of different fig cultivars (Ficus carica L.) under modified atmosphere packaging during cold storage
MC Villalobos, MJ Serradilla, A Martín, M López Corrales, C Pereira, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96 (6), 2103-2115, 2016
Physicochemical and Nutritional Characterization of Brebas for Fresh Consumption from Nine Fig Varieties (Ficus carica L.) Grown in Extremadura (Spain)
C Pereira, M López Corrales, A Martín, MC Villalobos, MG Córdoba, ...
Journal of Food Quality 2017 (1), 6302109, 2017
Evaluation of different drying systems as an alternative to sun drying for figs (Ficus carica L)
MC Villalobos, MJ Serradilla, A Martín, C Pereira, M López-Corrales, ...
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 36, 156-165, 2016
Flower emasculation as the cause for lack of fruit set in Japanese plum crosses
ME Guerra, A Wünsch, M López-Corrales, J Rodrigo
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 135 (6), 556-562, 2010
Effect of the commercial ripening stage and postharvest storage on microbial and aroma changes of ‘Ambrunés’ sweet cherries
MJ Serradilla, A Martin, A Hernandez, M Lopez-Corrales, M Lozano, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 58 (16), 9157-9163, 2010
Ex situ conservation of underutilised fruit tree species: establishment of a core collection for Ficus carica L. using microsatellite markers (SSRs)
FC Balas, MD Osuna, G Domínguez, F Pérez-Gragera, M López-Corrales
Tree Genetics & Genomes 10 (3), 703-710, 2014
Lack of fruit set caused by ovule degeneration in Japanese plum
ME Guerra, A Wünsch, M López-Corrales, J Rodrigo
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 136 (6), 375-381, 2011
Fruit size and firmness QTL alleles of breeding interest identified in a sweet cherry ‘Ambrunés’בSweetheart’population
A Calle, F Balas, L Cai, A Iezzoni, M López-Corrales, MJ Serradilla, ...
Molecular Breeding 40, 1-17, 2020
Evaluation of the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of different fig cultivars for the fresh fruit market
C Pereira, A Martín, M López-Corrales, MG Córdoba, AI Galván, ...
Foods 9 (5), 619, 2020
Elimination of fig mosaic from fig shoot-tip cultures by thermotherapy
R Gella, M Lopez Corrales, F Toribio, JA Marin
I International Symposium on Fig 480, 173-178, 1997
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Articles 1–20