Mohammad Azadbakht
Mohammad Azadbakht
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
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Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effects of five herbal plants
HK Z. Amirghofran. , M. Azadbakht
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 72, 167-172, 2000
Aloe versus silver sulfadiazine creams for second-degree burns: a randomized controlled study
G Khorasani, SJ Hosseinimehr, M Azadbakht, A Zamani, MR Mahdavi
Surgery today 39, 587-591, 2009
Medicinal, biological and phytochemical properties of Gentiana species
F Mirzaee, A Hosseini, HB Jouybari, A Davoodi, M Azadbakht
Journal of traditional and complementary medicine 7 (4), 400-408, 2017
Effect of aloe cream versus silver sulfadiazine for healing burn wounds in rats
SJ Hosseinimehr, G Khorasani, M Azadbakht, P Zamani, M Ghasemi, ...
Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica 18 (1), 0-0, 2010
Iranian herbal pharmacopoeia
N Ghasemi Dehkordi, SE Sajadi, AR Ghanadi, Y Amanzadeh, ...
Cytotoxicity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Cucurbita pepo and Solanum nigrum on HepG2 and CT26 cancer cell lines
M Shokrzadeh, M Azadbakht, N Ahangar, A Hashemi, SSS Saravi
Pharmacognosy magazine 6 (23), 176, 2010
Radioprotective Effects of Hawthorn Fruit Extract Against Gamma Irradiation in Mouse Bone Marrow Cells
J Radiat Res 48 (1), 63-68, 2007
The effect of fig tree latex (Ficus carica) on stomach cancer line
SA Hashemi, S Abediankenari, M Ghasemi, M Azadbakht, Y Yousefzadeh, ...
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 13 (4), 272, 2011
The healing effect of Arnebia euchroma ointment versus silver sulfadiazine on burn wounds in rat
E Nasiri, SJ Hosseinimehr, M Azadbakht, J Akbari, R Enayati-Fard, S Azizi, ...
World journal of plastic surgery 4 (2), 134, 2015
Effect of methanolic extracts of Artemisia aucheri and Camellia sinensis on Leishmania major (in vitro)
M Sharif, H Ziaei, M Azadbakht, A Daryani, A Ebadattalab, M Rostami
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 36 (6), 365-369, 2006
Effect of Malva sylvestris cream on burn injury and wounds in rats
E Nasiri, SJ Hosseinimehr, M Azadbakht, J Akbari, R Enayati-Fard, S Azizi
Avicenna journal of phytomedicine 5 (4), 341, 2015
The effect of trifluralin and colchicine treatments on morphological characteristics of jimsonweed (Datura Stramonium L.)
S Amiri, SK Kazemitabaar, G Ranjbar, M Azadbakht
Trakia journal of sciences 8 (4), 47-61, 2010
The effects of Arnebia euchroma ointment on second-degree burn wounds: a randomized clinical trial
E Nasiri, SJ Hosseinimehr, AZ Hosseinzadeh, M Azadbakht, J Akbari, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 189, 107-116, 2016
The essential oils composition of Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch leaves and flowers
M Azadbakht, K Morteza-Semnani, N Khansari
Journal of Medicinal Plants 2 (6), 55-58, 2003
Effect of essential oils of Artemisia. Zataria and Myrtus on Trichomonas vaginalis
M Azadbakht, H Ziai, F Abdollahi, B Shabankhani
Journal of medicinal plants 2 (8), 35-40, 2003
The essential oils composition of Phlomis herba‐venti L. leaves and flowers of Iranian origin
K Morteza‐Semnani, M Azadbakht, A Goodarzi
Flavour and fragrance journal 19 (1), 29-31, 2004
Iron chelation and liver disease healing activity of edible mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius), in vitro and in vivo assays
M Khalili, MA Ebrahimzadeh, M Kosaryan, A Abbasi, M Azadbakht
RSC advances 5 (7), 4804-4810, 2015
Protective effect of hawthorn extract against genotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in mouse bone marrow cells
SJ Hosseinimehr, M Azadbakht, AJ Abadi
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 25 (1), 51-56, 2008
Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effects of Scrophularia striata Extract Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurotoxicity
A Azadmehr, KA Oghyanous, R Hajiaghaee, Z Amirghofran, M Azadbakht
Cellular and molecular neurobiology 33, 1135-1141, 2013
The effect of honey gel on abdominal wound healing in cesarean section: a triple blind randomized clinical trial
M Nikpour, MA Shirvani, M Azadbakht, R Zanjani, E Mousavi
Oman medical journal 29 (4), 255, 2014
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Articles 1–20