Phuc V. Trinh
Phuc V. Trinh
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Mixed mmWave RF/FSO relaying systems over generalized fading channels with pointing errors
PV Trinh, TC Thang, AT Pham
IEEE Photonics Journal 9 (1), 1-14, 2016
Design and security analysis of quantum key distribution protocol over free-space optics using dual-threshold direct-detection receiver
PV Trinh, TV Pham, NT Dang, HV Nguyen, SX Ng, AT Pham
IEEE Access 6, 4159-4175, 2018
All-optical relaying FSO systems using EDFA combined with optical hard-limiter over atmospheric turbulence channels
PV Trinh, NT Dang, AT Pham
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (19), 4132-4144, 2015
Hybrid free-space optics/millimeter-wave architecture for 5G cellular backhaul networks
AT Pham, PV Trinh, VV Mai, NT Dang, CT Truong
2015 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 1-3, 2015
Secrecy analysis of FSO systems considering misalignments and eavesdropper’s location
PV Trinh, A Carrasco-Casado, AT Pham, M Toyoshima
IEEE Transactions on communications 68 (12), 7810-7823, 2020
Quantum key distribution over FSO: Current development and future perspectives
PV Trinh, AT Pham, A Carrasco-Casado, M Toyoshima
2018 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), 1672-1679, 2018
Throughput Analysis for TCP over the FSO-based Satellite-Assisted Internet of Vehicles
HD Le, PV Trinh, TV Pham, D Kolev, CC Alberto, KOKA Toshihiro, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021
Intersatellite-link demonstration mission between CubeSOTA (LEO CubeSat) and ETS9-HICALI (GEO satellite)
A Carrasco-Casado, PX Do, D Kolev, T Hosonuma, K Shiratama, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications …, 2019
Experimental channel statistics of drone-to-ground retro-reflected FSO links with fine-tracking systems
PV Trinh, A Carrasco-Casado, T Okura, H Tsuji, DR Kolev, K Shiratama, ...
IEEE Access 9, 137148-137164, 2021
Development of a miniaturized laser-communication terminal for small satellites
A Carrasco-Casado, K Shiratama, PV Trinh, D Kolev, Y Munemasa, ...
Acta Astronautica 197, 1-5, 2022
Development of “HICALI”: high speed optical feeder link system between GEO and ground
T Kubo-Oka, H Kunimori, K Suzuki, Y Koyama, K Shiratama, Y Munemasa, ...
International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2018 11180, 2158-2165, 2019
Network coding aided cooperative quantum key distribution over free-space optical channels
HV Nguyen, PV Trinh, AT Pham, Z Babar, D Alanis, P Botsinis, D Chandra, ...
IEEE Access 5, 12301-12317, 2017
Optical amplify-and-forward multihop WDM/FSO for all-optical access networks
PV Trinh, NT Dang, AT Pham
2014 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks …, 2014
Statistical verifications and deep-learning predictions for satellite-to-ground quantum atmospheric channels
PV Trinh, A Carrasco-Casado, H Takenaka, M Fujiwara, M Kitamura, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 225, 2022
Performance of all-optical amplify-and-forward WDM/FSO relaying systems over atmospheric dispersive turbulence channels
PV Trinh, NT Dang, TC Thang, AT Pham
IEICE Transactions on Communications 99 (6), 1255-1264, 2016
Design and secrecy performance of novel two-way free-space QKD protocol using standard FSO systems
PV Trinh, AT Pham
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
BER analysis of all-optical AF dual-hop FSO systems over Gamma-Gamma channels
PV Trinh, AT Pham, HTT Pham, NT Dang
2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on Photonics (ICP), 175-177, 2013
Design status of the development for a GEO-to-ground optical feeder link, HICALI
Y Munemasa, T Fuse, T Kubo-oka, H Kunimori, DR Kolev, ...
Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXX 10524, 113-119, 2018
Latest developments in the field of optical communications for small satellites and beyond
DR Kolev, A Carrasco-Casado, PV Trinh, K Shiratama, F Ishola, H Kotake, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 41 (12), 3750-3757, 2023
Convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks for 5G-and-Beyond communications: applications, architecture, and resource management
MZ Chowdhury, MJ Rahman, GM Muntean, PV Trinh, JC Cano
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (Online) 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–20