Mark J. Williamson
Mark J. Williamson
Vernalis Research
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Routine microsecond molecular dynamics simulations with AMBER on GPUs. 1. Generalized Born
AW Götz, MJ Williamson, D Xu, D Poole, S Le Grand, RC Walker
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (5), 1542-1555, 2012
Recent developments in the PySCF program package
Q Sun, X Zhang, S Banerjee, P Bao, M Barbry, NS Blunt, NA Bogdanov, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 153 (2), 2020
NWChem: Past, present, and future
E Aprà, EJ Bylaska, WA de Jong, N Govind, K Kowalski, TP Straatsma, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (18), 184102, 2020
Computational prediction of metabolism: sites, products, SAR, P450 enzyme dynamics, and mechanisms
J Kirchmair, MJ Williamson, JD Tyzack, L Tan, PJ Bond, A Bender, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 52 (3), 617-648, 2012
E Apra, EJ Bylaska, WA de Jong, N Govind, K Kowalski, TP Straatsma, ...
American Institute of Physics, 2020
CHAMBER: Comprehensive support for CHARMM force fields within the AMBER software
MF Crowley, MJ Williamson, RC Walker
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 109 (15), 3767-3772, 2009
Chemical markup, XML, and the World Wide Web. 5. Applications of chemical metadata in RSS aggregators
P Murray-Rust, HS Rzepa, MJ Williamson, EL Willighagen
Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 44 (2), 462-469, 2004
FAst MEtabolizer (FAME): A Rapid and Accurate Predictor of Sites of Metabolism in Multiple Species by Endogenous Enzymes
J Kirchmair, MJ Williamson, AM Afzal, JD Tyzack, APK Choy, A Howlett, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (11), 2896-2907, 2013
Prediction of Cytochrome P450 Xenobiotic Metabolism: Tethered Docking and Reactivity Derived from Ligand Molecular Orbital Analysis
JD Tyzack, MJ Williamson, R Torella, RC Glen
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2013
Functional group interaction profiles: a general treatment of solvent effects on non-covalent interactions
MD Driver, MJ Williamson, JL Cook, CA Hunter
Chemical Science 11 (17), 4456-4466, 2020
How Do Metabolites Differ from Their Parent Molecules and How Are They Excreted?
J Kirchmair, A Howlett, JE Peironcely, DS Murrell, MJ Williamson, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (2), 354-367, 2013
Advancements in molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules on graphical processing units
D Xu, MJ Williamson, RC Walker
Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 6, 2-19, 2010
Cytochrome P450 site of metabolism prediction from 2D topological fingerprints using GPU accelerated probabilistic classifiers
JD Tyzack, HY Mussa, MJ Williamson, J Kirchmair, RC Glen
Journal of cheminformatics 6, 1-14, 2014
A Surface Site Interaction Point Method for Dissipative Particle Dynamics Parametrization: Application to Alkyl Ethoxylate Surfactant Self-Assembly.
E Lavagnini, JL Cook, PB Warren, M Williamson, C Hunter
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2020
Modes of action of the archaeal Mre11/Rad50 DNA-repair complex revealed by fast-scan atomic force microscopy
E Zabolotnaya, I Mela, MJ Williamson, SM Bray, SK Yau, D Papatziamou, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (26), 14936-14947, 2020
Molecular mechanism of a specific capsid binder resistance caused by mutations outside the binding pocket
MS Heike Brauna, Johannes Kirchmairc, Mark J. Williamson, Vadim A. Makarov ...
Antiviral Research 123, 138–145, 2015
SSIPTools: Software and Methodology for Surface Site Interaction Point (SSIP) Approach and Applications
MD Driver, MJ Williamson, N De Mitri, T Nikolov, CA Hunter
Journal of chemical information and modeling 61 (11), 5331-5335, 2021
ChemSem: An extensible and scalable RSS-based seminar alerting system for scientific collaboration
HS Rzepa, A Wheat, MJ Williamson
Journal of chemical information and modeling 46 (3), 985-990, 2006
NWChem: Past, present, and future
A Edoardo, E Bylaska, W Jong, N Govind, K Kowalski, TP Straatsma, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, vol. 152, núm. 18, p. 182102, 2020
Chemstock: A Web-based Chemical Inventory system built from OpenSource Software Components
HS Rzepa, MJ Williamson
Internet J. Chem 5, 2002
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Articles 1–20