Pierluigi Zerbino
Cited by
Cited by
Big data-enabled customer relationship management: A holistic approach
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Information Processing & Management 54 (5), 818-846, 2018
Driving the transition to a circular economic model: A systematic review on drivers and critical success factors in circular economy
D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno, A Stefanini, P Zerbino
Sustainability 12 (24), 10672, 2020
Process science in action: A literature review on process mining in business management
P Zerbino, A Stefanini, D Aloini
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 172, 121021, 2021
Process-mining-enabled audit of information systems: Methodology and an application
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Expert Systems with Applications 110, 80-92, 2018
Transforming healthcare ecosystems through blockchain: Opportunities and capabilities for business process innovation
D Aloini, E Benevento, A Stefanini, P Zerbino
Technovation 119, 102557, 2023
Process fragmentation and port performance: Merging SNA and text mining
D Aloini, E Benevento, A Stefanini, P Zerbino
International Journal of Information Management 51, 101925, 2020
Towards analytics-enabled efficiency improvements in maritime transportation: A case study in a mediterranean port
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Sustainability 11 (16), 4473, 2019
How to manage the Circular Economy Rebound effect: A proposal for contingency-based guidelines
P Zerbino
Journal of Cleaner Production 378, 134584, 2022
Back to the future of Knowledge Management Systems off the beaten paths
R Cerchione, P Centobelli, P Zerbino, A Anand
Management Decision 58 (9), 1953-1984, 2020
Framing ERP success from an information systems failure perspective: A measurement endeavor
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 15 (2), 31-47, 2017
Knowledge Management in PCS-enabled ports: an assessment of the barriers
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 16 (4), 435-450, 2018
Curling linearity into circularity: The benefits of formal scavenging in closed-loop settings
P Zerbino, A Stefanini, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
International Journal of Production Economics 240, 108246, 2021
A multi-objective methodology for evaluating the investment in building-integrated hybrid renewable energy systems
D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno, M Raugi, E Schito, D Testi, M Tucci, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 329, 129780, 2021
Why enterprise resource planning initiatives do succeed in the long run: A case-based causal network
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Plos one 16 (12), e0260798, 2021
Climate mitigation models need to become circular–let's start with the construction sector
AT Lima, SG Simoes, D Aloini, P Zerbino, TI Oikonomou, S Karytsas, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 190, 106808, 2023
Leveraging procurement-related knowledge through a fuzzy-based DSS: a refinement of purchasing portfolio models
D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno, P Zerbino
Journal of Knowledge Management 23 (6), 1077-1104, 2019
Inside-out: The forgotten side of ICT-enabled open innovation
D Aloini, V Lazzarotti, L Pellegrini, P Zerbino
Measuring business excellence 24 (1), 24-38, 2020
Methods to estimate the circular economy rebound effect: A review
BH Lowe, M Bimpizas-Pinis, P Zerbino, A Genovese
Journal of Cleaner Production, 141063, 2024
Towards Analytics-Enabled Efficiency Improvements in Maritime Transportation: A Case Study in a Mediterranean Port. Sustainability, 11 (16)
P Zerbino, D Aloini, R Dulmin, V Mininno
Mapping circular economy practices for steel, cement, glass, brick, insulation, and wood–A review for climate mitigation modeling
AT Lima, GM Kirkelund, Z Lu, R Mao, W Kunther, C Rode, S Slabik, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 202, 114697, 2024
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Articles 1–20