Elisabeth Agoritsas
Elisabeth Agoritsas
Research Associate, at the Department of Quantum Matter Physics (DQMP) at the University of Geneva
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Cited by
Disordered elastic systems and one-dimensional interfaces
E Agoritsas, V Lecomte, T Giamarchi
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (11), 1725-1733, 2012
Out-of-equilibrium dynamical mean-field equations for the perceptron model
E Agoritsas, G Biroli, P Urbani, F Zamponi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (8), 085002, 2018
On the relevance of disorder in athermal amorphous materials under shear
E Agoritsas, E Bertin, K Martens, JL Barrat
The European Physical Journal E 38, 1-22, 2015
Nonlinear Rheology in a Model Biological Tissue
DA Matoz-Fernandez, E Agoritsas, JL Barrat, E Bertin, K Martens
Physical Review Letters 118, 158105, 2017
A direct link between active matter and sheared granular systems
PK Morse, S Roy, E Agoritsas, E Stanifer, EI Corwin, ML Manning
PNAS 118, e2019909118 (2021), 2021
Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems I. The isotropic case
E Agoritsas, T Maimbourg, F Zamponi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (14), 144002, 2019
Temperature-induced crossovers in the static roughness of a one-dimensional interface
E Agoritsas, V Lecomte, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (18), 184207, 2010
Multiscaling analysis of ferroelectric domain wall roughness
J Guyonnet, E Agoritsas, S Bustingorry, T Giamarchi, P Paruch
Physical Review Letters 109 (14), 147601, 2012
Static fluctuations of a thick one-dimensional interface in the 1+ 1 directed polymer formulation
E Agoritsas, V Lecomte, T Giamarchi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
Thermal origin of quasilocalized excitations in glasses
W Ji, TWJ de Geus, M Popović, E Agoritsas, M Wyart
Physical Review E 102 (6), 062110, 2020
Non-trivial rheological exponents in sheared yield stress fluids
E Agoritsas, K Martens
Soft Matter 13, 4653, 2017
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with short-range correlated noise: Emergent symmetries and nonuniversal observables
S Mathey, E Agoritsas, T Kloss, V Lecomte, L Canet
Physical Review E 95 (3), 032117, 2017
Static fluctuations of a thick one-dimensional interface in the 1+ 1 directed polymer formulation: Numerical study
E Agoritsas, V Lecomte, T Giamarchi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (6 …, 2013
Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems. II. The anisotropic case under shear strain
E Agoritsas, T Maimbourg, F Zamponi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (33), 334001, 2019
Mean-field dynamics of infinite-dimensional particle systems: global shear versus random local forcing
E Agoritsas
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (3), 033501, 2021
From bulk descriptions to emergent interfaces: connecting the Ginzburg-Landau and elastic line models
N Caballero, E Agoritsas, V Lecomte, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B 102, 104204, 2020
A numerical study of the statistics of roughness parameters for fluctuating interfaces
S Bustingorry, J Guyonnet, P Paruch, E Agoritsas
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 345001, 2021
Finite-temperature and finite-time scaling of the directed polymer free energy with respect to its geometrical fluctuations
E Agoritsas, S Bustingorry, V Lecomte, G Schehr, T Giamarchi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (3 …, 2012
Field-dependent roughness of moving domain walls in a Pt/Co/Pt magnetic thin film
MJC Burgos, PC Guruciaga, D Jordán, CP Quinteros, E Agoritsas, ...
Physical Review B 104, 144202, 2021
Driven interfaces: from flow to creep through model reduction
E Agoritsas, R García-García, V Lecomte, L Truskinovsky, ...
Journal of Statistical Physics 164, 1394-1428, 2016
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Articles 1–20