Farkhod Makhmudkhujaev
Farkhod Makhmudkhujaev
Uzspace agency & TUIT
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Cited by
Facial expression recognition with local prominent directional pattern
F Makhmudkhujaev, M Abdullah-Al-Wadud, MTB Iqbal, B Ryu, O Chae
Signal Processing: Image Communication 74, 1-12, 2019
Facial expression recognition with neighborhood-aware edge directional pattern (NEDP)
MTB Iqbal, M Abdullah-Al-Wadud, B Ryu, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11 (1), 125-137, 2018
Re-aging gan: Toward personalized face age transformation
F Makhmudkhujaev, S Hong, IK Park
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Aggregating CNN and HOG features for Real-Time Distracted Driver Detection
MR Arefin, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae, J Kim
2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2019
Local directional-structural pattern for person-independent facial expression recognition
F Makhmudkhujaev, MTB Iqbal, B Ryu, O Chae
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 27 (1), 516-531, 2019
Facial expression recognition with active local shape pattern and learned-size block representations
MTB Iqbal, B Ryu, AR Rivera, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae, SH Bae
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (3), 1322-1336, 2020
Background subtraction using dominant directional pattern
K Roy, R Arefin, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae, J Kim
IEEE Access 6, 39917-39926, 2018
An adaptive fusion scheme of color and edge features for background subtraction
K Roy, J Kim, MTB Iqbal, F Makhmudkhujaev, B Ryu, O Chae
2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2017
Exploring positional ternary pattern (ptp) for conventional facial expression recognition from static images
MTB Iqbal, B Ryu, G Song, J Kim, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 853-855, 2016
Background subtraction based on fusion of color and local patterns
MR Arefin, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae, J Kim
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 214-230, 2018
Re-Aging GAN++: Temporally Consistent Transformation of Faces in Videos
F Makhmudkhujaev, S Hong, IK Park
IEEE Access 11, 137377-137386, 2023
Generative Adversarial Networks With Attention Mechanisms at Every Scale
F Makhmudkhujaev, IK Park
IEEE Access 9, 168404-168414, 2021
Controllable Image Dataset Construction Using Conditionally Transformed Inputs in Generative Adversarial Networks
F Makhmudkhujaev, J Kwon, IK Park
IEEE Access 9, 144699-144712, 2021
Local Prominent Directional Pattern for Gender Recognition of Facial Photographs and Sketches
F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae
융합보안논문지 (Convergence Security Journal) 19 (2), 91-104, 2019
Person-Independent Facial Expression Recognition with Histograms of Prominent Edge Directions
F Makhmudkhujaev, MTB Iqbal, MR Arefin, B Ryu, O Chae
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 12 (12), 6000-6017, 2018
Method and Apparatus for Construction of Controllable Image Dataset in Generative Adversarial Networks (적대적 생성신경망에서의 조절 가능한 데이터셋 생성 방법 및 장치)
IK Park, F Makhmudkhujaev
KR Patent 10-2,288,759, 2021
Method and Apparatus for Editing of Personalized Face Age via Self-Guidance in Generative Adversarial Networks (적대적 생성신경망에서의 개인별 변조를 이용한 얼굴 편집 방법 및 장치)
IK Park, S Hong, F Makhmudkhujaev
KR Patent 10-2,266,165, 2021
Method and apparatus for detecting image feature point based on corner edge pattern (코너 에지 패턴 기반의 영상 특징점 검출 장지 및 그 방법)
O Chae, J Kim, G Song, B Ryu, F Makhmudkhujaev
KR Patent 10-1,813,797, 2017
Corner Detection based on Local Edge Pattern (지역 에지 패턴 기반의 코너 검출 방법)
G Song, J Kim, S Hong, F Makhmudkhujaev, O Chae
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 1328-1330, 2016
Supplementary Material for Re-Aging GAN: Toward Personalized Face Age Transformation
F Makhmudkhujaev, S Hong, IK Park
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Articles 1–20