Bretton Fletcher
Bretton Fletcher
Graduate Student, University of California in Santa Barbara
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Cited by
Distinct solubility and cytotoxicity regimes of paclitaxel-loaded cationic liposomes at low and high drug content revealed by kinetic phase behavior and cancer cell viability …
VM Steffes, MM Murali, Y Park, BJ Fletcher, KK Ewert, CR Safinya
Biomaterials, 2017
Nematic director reorientation at solid and liquid interfaces under flow: SAXS studies in a microfluidic device
BFB Silva, M Zepeda-Rosales, N Venkateswaran, BJ Fletcher, LG Carter, ...
Langmuir 31 (14), 4361-4371, 2014
Tuning the Physical Properties of Liposomes to Understand Hydrophobic Drug Delivery Mechanisms
VM Steffes, RN Majzoub, BJ Fletcher, KK Ewert, CR Safinya
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 507a, 2016
Remodeling of Microtubule-Protein Tau Bundles in the Presence of Biologically Relevant Cations
C Song, P Kohl, P Chung, B Fletcher, HP Miller, Y Li, SC Feinstein, ...
Biophysical Journal 112 (3), 564a, 2017
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Articles 1–4