Aquiles Burlamaqui
Cited by
Cited by
Increasing students' interest with low-cost CellBots
RV Aroca, RB Gomes, DM Tavares, AAS Souza, AMF Burlamaqui, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 56 (1), 3-8, 2012
Educ-AR: A tool for assist the creation of augmented reality content for education
L Farias, R Dantas, A Burlamaqui
2011 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer …, 2011
RoboEduc: a pedagogical tool to support educational robotics
S Thomaz, A Aglaé, C Fernandes, R Pitta, S Azevedo, A Burlamaqui, ...
2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 1-6, 2009
Visual identification of medicine boxes using features matching
XC Benjamim, RB Gomes, AF Burlamaqui, LMG Gonçalves
2012 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments Human-Computer …, 2012
Preliminary studies with augmented reality tool to help in psycho-pedagogical tasks with children belonging to autism spectrum disorder
KP Soares, AMF Burlamaqui, LMG Goncalves, VF da Costa, ME Cunha, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (10), 2017
Cardbot-assistive technology for visually impaired in educational robotics: Experiments and results
RP Barros, AMF Burlamaqui, SO Azevedo, STL Sá, LMG Goncalves, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (3), 517-527, 2017
Utilização de técnicas de mineração de dados educacionais para predição de desempenho de alunos de EaD em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem
H Rabelo, A Burlamaqui, R Valentim, DS de Souza Rabelo, S Medeiros
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2017
Brazilian Robotics Olympiad: A successful paradigm for science and technology dissemination
RV Aroca, TF Pazelli, F Tonidandel, ACA Filho, AS Simes, EL Colombini, ...
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 13 (5), 1729881416658166, 2016
Method for reading sensors and controlling actuators using audio interfaces of mobile devices
RV Aroca, AF Burlamaqui, LMG Gonçalves
Sensors 12 (2), 1572-1593, 2012
A Scalable Hierarchical Architecture for large scale multi-user virtual environments
AM Burlamaqui, MAMS Oliveira, LMG Goncalves, G Lemos, ...
2006 IEEE Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and …, 2006
Green Robotics: Concepts, challenges, and strategies
SE Alves Filho, AMF Burlamaqui, RV Aroca, LMG Gonçalves, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (4), 1042-1050, 2018
Sharing virtual acoustic spaces over interactive TV programs-presenting" Virtual Cheering" application
TA Tavares, A Burlamaqui, DA da Silva Albino, C Simonetti, LEC Leite, ...
2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)(IEEE Cat …, 2004
SGDDEdu-Model of short game design document for digital educational games
RS Martins, FCP Raulino, AM Filgueira, AARSS Burlamaqui
International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher, 2019
Luar: a language for agile development of NCL templates and documents
DHD Bezerra, DMT Sousa, GLS Filho, AMF Burlamaqui, IRM Silva
Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web, 395-402, 2012
Educaval: towards assessment of educational robotics softwares
ST de Lima Sa, EA Yanaguibashi, LMG Goncalves, AMF Burlamaqui, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (4), 720-728, 2017
On monocular visual odometry for indoor ground vehicles
B Silva, A Burlamaqui, L Gonçalves
2012 Brazilian Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium, 220-225, 2012
Tecnologias digitais desenvolvidas para o ensino por competências e habilidades no ensino fundamental após a BNCC: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
JTG Santos, AMF Burlamaqui
Revista novas tecnologias na educação 18 (1), 2020
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Computacionais Utilizando Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas.
DS de Souza Rabelo, HL Junior, A Burlamaqui, H Rabelo, R Valentim, ...
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2018
Improving biometrics authentication with a multi-factor approach based on optical interference and chaotic maps
D Souza, A Burlamaqui, G Souza Filho
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 2013-2032, 2018
NPi-cluster: a low power energy-proportional computing cluster architecture
SE Alves Filho, AMF Burlamaqui, RV Aroca, LMG Gonçalves
IEEE Access 5, 16297-16313, 2017
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Articles 1–20