Kelly A. Shaw
Kelly A. Shaw
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Cited by
Reduction and optimization of information processing systems
MA Kaplan, KA Shaw, DC Sturman
US Patent 6,681,220, 2004
MRPB: Memory request prioritization for massively parallel processors
W Jia, K Shaw, M Martonosi
High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2014 IEEE 20th International …, 2014
Characterizing and improving the use of demand-fetched caches in GPUs
W Jia, KA Shaw, M Martonosi
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Supercomputing, 15-24, 2012
Stargazer: Automated regression-based GPU design space exploration
W Jia, KA Shaw, M Martonosi
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems …, 2012
Information flow based event distribution middleware
G Banavar, M Kaplan, K Shaw, RE Strom, DC Sturman, W Tao
Proceedings. 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 1999
Starchart: Hardware and software optimization using recursive partitioning regression trees
W Jia, KA Shaw, M Martonosi
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2013
Migration in single chip multiprocessors
KA Shaw, WJ Dally
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 1 (1), 12-12, 2002
Reduction and optiminization of operational query expressions applied to information spaces between nodes in a publish/subscribe system
MA Kaplan, KA Shaw, DC Sturman
US Patent 6,996,625, 2006
GPU performance and power tuning using regression trees
W Jia, E Garza, KA Shaw, M Martonosi
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 12 (2), 1-26, 2015
Why computer architecture matters: Memory access
C Pancratov, JM Kurzer, KA Shaw, ML Trawick
Computing in Science & Engineering 10 (4), 2008
Why computer architecture matters
C Pancratov, JM Kurzer, KA Shaw, ML Trawick
Computing in Science & Engineering 10 (3), 2008
OKAPI: in support of application correctness in smart home environments
T Melissaris, K Shaw, M Martonosi
2019 fourth international conference on fog and mobile edge computing (FMEC …, 2019
PerpLE: Improving the Speed and Effectiveness of Memory Consistency Testing
T Melissaris, M Markakis, K Shaw, M Martonosi
2020 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture …, 2020
Understanding the working sets of data mining applications
KA Shaw
11th Workshop on Computer Architecture Evaluation using Commercial Workloads …, 2008
Locomotive: Optimizing mobile web traffic using selective compression
T Melissaris, K Shaw, M Martonosi
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
Ten simple rules for attending your first conference
E Leininger, K Shaw, N Moshiri, K Neiles, G Onsongo, A Ritz
PLOS Computational Biology, 2021
Optimizing IoT and Web Traffic Using Selective Edge Compression
T Melissaris, K Shaw, M Martonosi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.14968, 2020
Getting started in undergraduate research
KA Shaw
IEEE Potentials 32 (3), 9-17, 2013
Understanding the applicability of CMP performance optimizations on data mining applications
I Jibaja, KA Shaw
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 227-236, 2009
Best Practices for Expanding Pathways to Undergraduate CS Research
C Alvarado, M Hilton, AJ Ko, L Pollock, K Shaw, N Spring
Technical Report. Computing Research Association–Education Committee (CRA-E), 2020
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Articles 1–20