Tommi Inkinen
Cited by
Cited by
Intermediaries in regional innovation systems: high-technology enterprise survey from Northern Finland
T Inkinen, K Suorsa
European Planning Studies 18 (2), 169-187, 2010
Port digitalization with open data: Challenges, opportunities, and integrations
T Inkinen, R Helminen, J Saarikoski
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 5 (2), 30, 2019
Industrial applications of big data in disruptive innovations supporting environmental reporting
E Hämäläinen, T Inkinen
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 16, 100105, 2019
Innovation quality in knowledge cities: Empirical evidence of innovation award competitions in Finland
T Makkonen, T Inkinen
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (12), 5597-5604, 2014
Reviewing truck logistics: Solutions for achieving low emission road freight transport
T Inkinen, E Hämäläinen
Sustainability 12 (17), 6714, 2020
Geographies of Disruption: Place Making for Innovation in the Age of Knowledge Economy
T Yigitcanlar, T Inkinen
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Lapsuus mediamaailmassa
AR Lahikainen, P Hietala, T Inkinen, M Kangassalo, R Kivimäki, F Mäyrä
Hindrances in port digitalization? Identifying problems in adoption and implementation
OP Brunila, V Kunnaala-Hyrkki, T Inkinen
European Transport Research Review 13 (1), 62, 2021
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems
MA Goddard, ZG Davies, S Guenat, MJ Ferguson, JC Fisher, A Akanni, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-12, 2021
Technological trajectories and scenarios in seaport digitalization
T Inkinen, R Helminen, J Saarikoski
Research in Transportation Business & Management 41, 100633, 2021
Does size matter? Knowledge-based development of second-order city-regions in Finland
T Yigitcanlar, T Inkinen, T Makkonen
disP-The Planning Review 51 (3), 62-77, 2015
Reflections on the innovative city: examining three innovative locations in a knowledge bases framework
T Inkinen
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 1 (1), 1-23, 2015
Sectoral and technological systems of environmental innovation: The case of marine scrubber systems
T Makkonen, T Inkinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 200, 110-121, 2018
Johdattava polku lasten tietoyhteiskuntaan
TA Inkinen
Lapsuus mediamaailmassa. Näkökulmia lasten tietoyhteiskuntaan, 9-18, 2005
Port waste management in the Baltic Sea area: A four port study on the legal requirements, processes and collaboration
I Svaetichin, T Inkinen
Sustainability 9 (5), 699, 2017
Innovation types in the Finnish maritime cluster
T Makkonen, T Inkinen, J Saarni
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 12, 1-15, 2013
Predicting innovative growth and demand with proximate human capital: A case study of the Helsinki metropolitan area
J Kiuru, T Inkinen
Cities 64, 9-17, 2017
Economic geography of knowledge-intensive technology clusters: Lessons from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
T Inkinen, I Kaakinen
Urban Knowledge and Innovation Spaces, 95-114, 2018
Drivers behind the public perception of artificial intelligence: insights from major Australian cities
T Yigitcanlar, K Degirmenci, T Inkinen
AI & society 39 (3), 833-853, 2024
Containers, facilitators, innovators? The role of cities and city employees in innovation activities
T Makkonen, M Merisalo, T Inkinen
European Urban and Regional Studies 25 (1), 106-118, 2018
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Articles 1–20