Thuy Nguyen
Cited by
Cited by
On-line boosting-based car detection from aerial images
H Grabner, TT Nguyen, B Gruber, H Bischof
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 63 (3), 382-396, 2008
ColonFormer: An Efficient Transformer Based Method for Colon Polyp Segmentation
TD Nguyen, TO Nguyen, T Nguyen, MT Tran, DV Sang
IEEE Access 10, 80575-80586, 2022
Genome-wide association data classification and SNPs selection using two-stage quality-based Random Forests
TT Nguyen, JZ Huang, Q Wu, TT Nguyen, MJ Li
BMC genomics 16, 1-11, 2015
Unbiased Feature Selection in Learning Random Forests for High‐Dimensional Data
TT Nguyen, JZ Huang, TT Nguyen
The Scientific World Journal 2015 (1), 471371, 2015
Two-stage Convolutional Neural Network for Road Crack Detection and Segmentation
NHT Nguyen, S Perry, D Bone, HT Le, TT Nguyen*
Expert Systems With Applications, 2021
On-line boosting for car detection from aerial images
TT Nguyen, H Grabner, H Bischof, B Gruber
2007 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for …, 2007
Neounet: Towards accurate colon polyp segmentation and neoplasm detection
P Ngoc Lan, NS An, DV Hang, DV Long, TQ Trung, NT Thuy, DV Sang
Advances in visual computing: 16th international symposium, ISVC 2021 …, 2021
Comparative Study on Vision Based Rice Seed Varieties Identification
TTH Phan, T Thi-Thanh-Hai, L Thi-Lan, V Ta-Hoang, V Hai, N Thuy-Thi
Seventh International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2015
Pavement Crack Detection using Convolutional Neural Network
HTN Nhung, LT Ha, P Stuart, N Thi Thuy
SoICT 2018, 251–256, 2018
An efficient random forests algorithm for high dimensional data classification
Q Wang, TT Nguyen, JZ Huang, TT Nguyen
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 12, 953-972, 2018
Blazeneo: Blazing fast polyp segmentation and neoplasm detection
NS An, PN Lan, DV Hang, DV Long, TQ Trung, NT Thuy, DV Sang
IEEE Access 10, 43669-43684, 2022
An Efficient Framework for Pixel-wise Building Segmentation from Aerial Images
Q Nguyen Tien, TT Nguyen, VS Dinh, TTB Huynh
The Sixth International Symposium on Information and Communication …, 2015
An active boosting-based learning framework for real-time hand detection
TT Nguyen, ND Binh, H Bischof
2008 8th IEEE international conference on automatic face & gesture …, 2008
Two-level quantile regression forests for bias correction in range prediction
TT Nguyen, J Huang, TT Nguyen
Machine Learning, 1-19, 2014
Ag-curesnest: A novel method for colon polyp segmentation
DV Sang, TQ Chung, PN Lan, DV Hang, D Van Long, NT Thuy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.00402, 2021
A vision based method for automatic evaluation of germination rate of rice seeds
TT Nguyen, VN Hoang, TL Le, TH Tran, H Vu
2018 1st International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern …, 2018
Acquiring qualified samples for RANSAC using geometrical constraints
VH Le, H Vu, TT Nguyen, TL Le, TH Tran
Pattern Recognition Letters 102, 58-66, 2018
Single Camera Based Fall Detection Using Motion and Human Shape Features
N Viet Anh, L Thanh Ha, N Thuy Thi
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Information and Communication …, 2016
An efficient method for fingerprint matching based on local point model
NTH Thuy, HX Huan, NN Ky
2013 International Conference on Computing, Management and …, 2013
A real time license plate detection system based on boosting learning algorithm
TT Nguyen, TT Nguyen
2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 819-823, 2012
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Articles 1–20