Inside the hybrid organization: Selective coupling as a response to competing institutional logics AC Pache, F Santos Academy of management journal 56 (4), 972-1001, 2013 | 3225 | 2013 |
A positive theory of social entrepreneurship FM Santos Journal of business ethics 111 (3), 335-351, 2012 | 2723 | 2012 |
When worlds collide: The internal dynamics of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands AC Pache, F Santos Academy of management review 35 (3), 455-476, 2010 | 2553 | 2010 |
Constructing markets and shaping boundaries: Entrepreneurial power in nascent fields FM Santos, KM Eisenhardt Academy of Management Journal 52 (4), 643-671, 2009 | 1683 | 2009 |
Organizational boundaries and theories of organization FM Santos, KM Eisenhardt Organization science 16 (5), 491-508, 2005 | 1529 | 2005 |
Knowledge-based view: a new theory of strategy? KM Eisenhardt, FM Santos Handbook of strategy and management, 139-164, 2006 | 1421 | 2006 |
Making hybrids work: Aligning business models and organizational design for social enterprises F Santos, AC Pache, C Birkholz California management review 57 (3), 36-58, 2015 | 831 | 2015 |
Embedded in hybrid contexts: How individuals in organizations respond to competing institutional logics AC Pache, F Santos Institutional logics in action, part B, 3-35, 2013 | 607 | 2013 |
The market that never was: Turf wars and failed alliances in mobile payments P Ozcan, FM Santos Strategic management journal 36 (10), 1486-1512, 2015 | 303 | 2015 |
Social entrepreneurship and broader theories: Shedding new light on the ‘Bigger Picture’ A Zeyen, M Beckmann, S Mueller, JG Dees, D Khanin, N Krueger, ... Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 4 (1), 88-107, 2013 | 170 | 2013 |
The coevolution of firms and their knowledge environment: Insights from the pharmaceutical industry FM Santos Technological Forecasting and Social Change 70 (7), 687-715, 2003 | 83 | 2003 |
Multiple case study FM Santos, KM Eisenhardt Encyclopedia of social science research methods, 685-686, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
When worlds keep on colliding: Exploring the consequences of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands AC Pache, FM Santos Academy of Management Review 46 (4), 640-659, 2021 | 62 | 2021 |
Scaling social innovations: The case of Gram Vikas I Chowdhury, F Santos Scaling social impact: New thinking, 147-166, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Organisational challenges for the university F Santos, MV Heitor, J Caraça Higher Education Management 10, 87-108, 1998 | 40 | 1998 |
The life cycle of social innovations F Santos, JC Salvado, IL De Carvalho, UG Schulte Social innovation: Solutions for a sustainable future, 183-195, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Manual para transformar o mundo: da ideia inspiradora a implementação inovadora F Santos, JC Salvado, IL de Carvalho Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Knowledge-based view: A new view of strategy KM Eisenhardt, FM Santos Handbook of strategy and management. London: Sage, 2003 | 21 | 2003 |
‘Open purpose’: Embracing organizations as expressive systems S Clegg, MP Cunha, A Rego, F Santos Organization Theory 2 (4), 26317877211054860, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
A theory of social entrepreneurship FM Santos ICTPI International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, 13-14, 2009 | 18 | 2009 |