Melisa Stevanovic
Melisa Stevanovic
Tampere University
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Cited by
Deontic authority in interaction: The right to announce, propose, and decide
M Stevanovic, A Peräkylä
Research on Language & Social Interaction 45 (3), 297-321, 2012
Three orders in the organization of human action: On the interface between knowledge, power, and emotion in interaction and social relations
M Stevanovic, A Peräkylä
Language in society 43 (2), 185-207, 2014
Introduction: Epistemics and deontics in conversational directives
M Stevanovic, J Svennevig
Journal of Pragmatics, 1-6, 2015
Establishing joint decisions in a dyad
M Stevanovic
Discourse Studies 14 (6), 779-803, 2012
The co-creation of meaningful action: bridging enaction and interactional sociology
H De Jaegher, A Peräkylä, M Stevanovic
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Social deontics: A nano‐level approach to human power play
M Stevanovic
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (3), 369-389, 2018
Sharing the emotional load: Recipient affiliation calms down the storyteller
A Peräkylä, P Henttonen, L Voutilainen, M Kahri, M Stevanovic, M Sams, ...
Social Psychology Quarterly 78 (4), 301-323, 2015
Deontic rights in interaction: A conversation analytic study on authority and cooperation
M Stevanovic
Helsingin yliopisto, 2013
Keskustelunanalyysi. Kuinka tutkia sosiaalista toimintaa ja vuorovaikutusta
M Stevanovic, C Lindholm
Vastapaino, 2016
Constructing a proposal as a thought: A way to manage problems in the initiation of joint decision-making in Finnish workplace interaction
M Stevanovic
Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics …, 2013
Participants’ deontic rights and action formation: The case of declarative requests for action
TM Stevanovic
Interaction and Linguistic Structures (InLiSt), 2011
Displays of uncertainty and proximal deontic claims: The case of proposal sequences
M Stevanovic
Journal of pragmatics 78, 84-97, 2015
On the hierarchy of interactional resources: Embodied and verbal behavior in the management of joint activities with material objects
M Stevanovic, C Monzoni
Journal of Pragmatics 103, 15-32, 2016
Sequentiality, mutual visibility, and behavioral matching: Body sway and pitch register during joint decision making
M Stevanovic, T Himberg, M Niinisalo, M Kahri, A Peräkylä, M Sams, ...
Research on Language and Social Interaction 50 (1), 33-53, 2017
Conversation-analytic data session as a pedagogical institution
M Stevanovic, E Weiste
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 15, 1-17, 2017
Intersubjectivity and the domains of social interaction: Proposal of a cross-sectional approach
M Stevanovic, SE Koski
Psychology of Language and Communication 22 (1), 39-70, 2018
Experience sharing, emotional reciprocity, and turn-taking
M Stevanovic, A Peräkylä
Frontiers in psychology 6, 450, 2015
Kehollinen läsnäolo
A Peräkylä, TM Stevanovic
Keskustelunanalyysi: Kuinka tutkia sosiaalista toimintaa ja vuorovaikutusta …, 2016
Sosiaaliset rakenteet
TM Stevanovic
Keskustelunanalyysi: Kuinka tutkia sosiaalista toimintaa ja vuorovaikutusta …, 2016
Managing compliance in violin instruction: The case of the Finnish clitic particles -pA and -pAs in imperatives and hortatives
M Stevanovic
Imperative Turns at Talk: The design of directives in action 30, 357, 2017
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Articles 1–20