Simona Crea
Simona Crea
The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
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Cited by
A wireless flexible sensorized insole for gait analysis
S Crea, M Donati, SMM De Rossi, CM Oddo, N Vitiello
Sensors 14 (1), 1073-1093, 2014
Occupational exoskeletons: A roadmap toward large-scale adoption. Methodology and challenges of bringing exoskeletons to workplaces
S Crea, P Beckerle, M De Looze, K De Pauw, L Grazi, T Kermavnar, ...
Wearable Technologies 2, e11, 2021
Detection of movement onset using EMG signals for upper-limb exoskeletons in reaching tasks
E Trigili, L Grazi, S Crea, A Accogli, J Carpaneto, S Micera, N Vitiello, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-16, 2019
Providing time-discrete gait information by wearable feedback apparatus for lower-limb amputees: usability and functional validation
S Crea, C Cipriani, M Donati, MC Carrozza, N Vitiello
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 23 (2 …, 2014
Time-discrete vibrotactile feedback contributes to improved gait symmetry in patients with lower limb amputations: case series
S Crea, BB Edin, K Knaepen, R Meeusen, N Vitiello
Physical therapy 97 (2), 198-207, 2017
Controlling negative and positive power at the ankle with a soft exosuit
S Lee, S Crea, P Malcolm, I Galiana, A Asbeck, C Walsh
2016 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 3509-3515, 2016
An experimental evaluation of the proto-mate: a novel ergonomic upper-limb exoskeleton to reduce workers' physical strain
I Pacifico, A Scano, E Guanziroli, M Moise, L Morelli, A Chiavenna, ...
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 27 (1), 54-65, 2020
Design and experimental evaluation of a semi-passive upper-limb exoskeleton for workers with motorized tuning of assistance
L Grazi, E Trigili, G Proface, F Giovacchini, S Crea, N Vitiello
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (10 …, 2020
Design and experimental characterization of a shoulder-elbow exoskeleton with compliant joints for post-stroke rehabilitation
E Trigili, S Crea, M Moisè, A Baldoni, M Cempini, G Ercolini, D Marconi, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24 (4), 1485-1496, 2019
A flexible sensor technology for the distributed measurement of interaction pressure
M Donati, N Vitiello, SMM De Rossi, T Lenzi, S Crea, A Persichetti, ...
Sensors 13 (1), 1021-1045, 2013
Benchmarking occupational exoskeletons: An evidence mapping systematic review
S De Bock, J Ghillebert, R Govaerts, B Tassignon, C Rodriguez-Guerrero, ...
Applied Ergonomics 98, 103582, 2022
Wearable devices for biofeedback rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis to design application rules and estimate the effectiveness on balance and gait outcomes …
T Bowman, E Gervasoni, C Arienti, SG Lazzarini, S Negrini, S Crea, ...
Sensors 21 (10), 3444, 2021
Feasibility and safety of shared EEG/EOG and vision-guided autonomous whole-arm exoskeleton control to perform activities of daily living
S Crea, M Nann, E Trigili, F Cordella, A Baldoni, FJ Badesa, JM Catalán, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10823, 2018
Gait training using a robotic hip exoskeleton improves metabolic gait efficiency in the elderly
E Martini, S Crea, A Parri, L Bastiani, U Faraguna, Z McKinney, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7157, 2019
A real-time lift detection strategy for a hip exoskeleton
B Chen, L Grazi, F Lanotte, N Vitiello, S Crea
Frontiers in neurorobotics 12, 17, 2018
A novel hand exoskeleton with series elastic actuation for modulated torque transfer
D Marconi, A Baldoni, Z McKinney, M Cempini, S Crea, N Vitiello
Mechatronics 61, 69-82, 2019
Pressure-sensitive insoles for real-time gait-related applications
E Martini, T Fiumalbi, F Dell’Agnello, Z Ivanić, M Munih, N Vitiello, S Crea
Sensors 20 (5), 1448, 2020
Real-time hybrid locomotion mode recognition for lower limb wearable robots
A Parri, K Yuan, D Marconi, T Yan, S Crea, M Munih, RM Lova, N Vitiello, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (6), 2480-2491, 2017
Psychophysiological response to cognitive workload during symmetrical, asymmetrical and dual-task walking
K Knaepen, U Marusic, S Crea, CDR Guerrero, N Vitiello, N Pattyn, ...
Human movement science 40, 248-263, 2015
The rubber foot illusion
S Crea, M D’Alonzo, N Vitiello, C Cipriani
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 12, 1-6, 2015
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Articles 1–20