Kathryn Huff
Cited by
Cited by
Best practices for scientific computing
G Wilson, DA Aruliah, CT Brown, NP Chue Hong, M Davis, RT Guy, ...
PLoS biology 12 (1), e1001745, 2014
Technical Description of the ‘Mark 1’Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (PB-FHR) Power Plant
C Andreades, AT Cisneros, JK Choi, AYK Chong, DL Krumwiede, ...
Department of Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley, Report UCBTH-14-002, 2014
The practice of reproducible research: case studies and lessons from the data-intensive sciences
J Kitzes, D Turek, F Deniz
Univ of California Press, 2018
Design Summary of the Mark-I Pebble-Bed, Fluoride Salt–Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Commercial Power Plant
C Andreades, AT Cisneros, JK Choi, AYK Chong, M Fratoni, S Hong, ...
Nuclear Technology 195 (3), 223-238, 2016
Design Summary of the Mark-I Pebble-Bed, Fluoride Salt–Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Commercial Power Plant
Nuclear Tehcnology 195 (3), 223-238, 2016
Liquid–solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional driven granular media
MG Clerc, P Cordero, J Dunstan, K Huff, N Mujica, D Risso, G Varas
Nature Physics 4 (3), 249-254, 2008
Modeling and simulation of online reprocessing in the thorium-fueled molten salt breeder reactor
A Rykhlevskii, JW Bae, KD Huff
Annals of Nuclear Energy 128, 366-379, 2019
A comparison of machine learning methods for automated gamma-ray spectroscopy
M Kamuda, J Zhao, K Huff
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Fundamental concepts in the Cyclus nuclear fuel cycle simulation framework
KD Huff, MJ Gidden, RW Carlsen, RR Flanagan, MB McGarry, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 94, 46-59, 2016
The role of hydrogen in achieving long term Japanese energy system goals
A Chaube, A Chapman, Y Shigetomi, K Huff, J Stubbins
Energies 13 (17), 4539, 2020
Effective computation in physics: Field guide to research with python
A Scopatz, KD Huff
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2015
Introduction to Moltres: an application for simulation of Molten Salt Reactors
A Lindsay, G Ridley, A Rykhlevskii, K Huff
Annals of Nuclear Energy 114, 530-540, 2018
Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): design and first-year review
AM Smith, KE Niemeyer, DS Katz, LA Barba, G Githinji, M Gymrek, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 4, e147, 2018
Whole core analysis of the single-fluid double-zone thorium molten salt reactor (SD-TMSR)
O Ashraf, A Rykhlevskii, GV Tikhomirov, KD Huff
Annals of Nuclear Energy 137, 107115, 2020
PyNE: Python for nuclear engineering
AM Scopatz, PK Romano, PPH Wilson, KD Huff
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 107, 985-987, 2012
Deep learning approach to nuclear fuel transmutation in a fuel cycle simulator
JW Bae, A Rykhlevskii, G Chee, KD Huff
Annals of Nuclear Energy 139, 107230, 2020
Strategies for thorium fuel cycle transition in the SD-TMSR
O Ashraf, A Rykhlevskii, GV Tikhomirov, KD Huff
Annals of Nuclear Energy 148, 107656, 2020
Fuel cycle performance of fast spectrum molten salt reactor designs
A Rykhlevskii, B Betzler, A Worrall, KD Huff
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2019
The role of current and emerging technologies in meeting Japan’s mid-to long-term carbon reduction goals
A Chaube, A Chapman, A Minami, J Stubbins, KD Huff
Applied Energy 304, 117669, 2021
The cultural dynamics of energy: The impact of lived experience, preference and demographics on future energy policy in the United States
A Chapman, Y Shigetomi, SC Karmaker, BB Saha, K Huff, C Brooks, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 80, 102231, 2021
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Articles 1–20