Ksenija Gasic
Ksenija Gasic
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RNA extraction from different apple tissues rich in polyphenols and polysaccharides for cDNA library construction
K Gasic, A Hernandez, SS Korban
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 22, 437-438, 2004
15 years of GDR: New data and functionality in the Genome Database for Rosaceae
S Jung, T Lee, CH Cheng, K Buble, P Zheng, J Yu, J Humann, SP Ficklin, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D1137-D1145, 2019
Development and evaluation of a 9K SNP array for peach by internationally coordinated SNP detection and validation in breeding germplasm
I Verde, N Bassil, S Scalabrin, B Gilmore, CT Lawley, K Gasic, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e35668, 2012
Transgenic Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants expressing an Arabidopsis phytochelatin synthase (AtPCS1) exhibit enhanced As and Cd tolerance
K Gasic, SS Korban
Plant molecular biology 64, 361-369, 2007
Development of a set of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the apple
D Chagné, K Gasic, RN Crowhurst, Y Han, HC Bassett, DR Bowatte, ...
Genomics 92 (5), 353-358, 2008
Expression of Arabidopsis phytochelatin synthase in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants enhances tolerance for Cd and Zn
K Gasic, SS Korban
Planta 225, 1277-1285, 2007
DH Byrne, MB Raseira, D Bassi, MC Piagnani, K Gasic, GL Reighard, ...
Fruit breeding, 505-569, 2012
Transgenic rose lines harboring an antimicrobial protein gene, Ace-AMP1, demonstrate enhanced resistance to powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa)
X Li, K Gasic, B Cammue, W Broekaert, SS Korban
Planta 218, 226-232, 2003
Prunus genetics and applications after de novo genome sequencing: achievements and prospects
MJ Aranzana, V Decroocq, E Dirlewanger, I Eduardo, ZS Gao, K Gasic, ...
Horticulture research 6, 2019
Genotyping by sequencing for SNP-based linkage map construction and QTL analysis of chilling requirement and bloom date in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]
DG Bielenberg, B Rauh, S Fan, K Gasic, AG Abbott, GL Reighard, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0139406, 2015
Characteristics and transferability of new apple EST-derived SSRs to other Rosaceae species
K Gasic, Y Han, S Kertbundit, V Shulaev, AF Iezzoni, EW Stover, RL Bell, ...
Molecular Breeding 23, 397-411, 2009
Construction of high density sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) linkage maps using microsatellite markers and SNPs detected by genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)
V Guajardo, S Solís, B Sagredo, F Gainza, C Muńoz, K Gasic, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0127750, 2015
Expressed sequence tag analysis of the response of apple (Malus x domestica‘Royal Gala’) to low temperature and water deficit
M Wisniewski, C Bassett, J Norelli, D Macarisin, T Artlip, K Gasic, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 133 (2), 298-317, 2008
Enhanced resistance to early blight in transgenic tomato lines expressing heterologous plant defense genes
SC Schaefer, K Gasic, B Cammue, W Broekaert, EJM Van Damme, ...
Planta 222, 858-866, 2005
High-quality, genome-wide SNP genotypic data for pedigreed germplasm of the diploid outbreeding species apple, peach, and sweet cherry through a common workflow
S Vanderzande, NP Howard, L Cai, C Da Silva Linge, L Antanaviciute, ...
PloS one 14 (6), e0210928, 2019
Heavy metal stress
K Gasic, SS Korban
Physiology and molecular biology of stress tolerance in plants, 219-254, 2006
QTL mapping of pomological traits in peach and related species breeding germplasm
J Fresnedo-Ramírez, MCAM Bink, E van de Weg, TR Famula, ...
Molecular Breeding 35, 1-19, 2015
A BAC-based physical map of the apple genome
Y Han, K Gasic, B Marron, JE Beever, SS Korban
Genomics 89 (5), 630-637, 2007
Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with blush in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]
TJ Frett, GL Reighard, WR Okie, K Gasic
Tree Genetics & Genomes 10, 367-381, 2014
QTL mapping and breeding value estimation through pedigree-based analysis of fruit size and weight in four diverse peach breeding programs
J Fresnedo-Ramírez, TJ Frett, PJ Sandefur, A Salgado-Rojas, JR Clark, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 12, 1-18, 2016
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Articles 1–20