Daniel Verschueren
Cited by
Cited by
Direct observation of DNA knots using a solid-state nanopore
C Plesa, D Verschueren, S Pud, J Van Der Torre, JW Ruitenberg, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (12), 1093-1097, 2016
DNA translocations through solid-state plasmonic nanopores
F Nicoli, D Verschueren, M Klein, C Dekker, MP Jonsson
Nano letters 14 (12), 6917-6925, 2014
Label-free optical detection of DNA translocations through plasmonic nanopores
DV Verschueren, S Pud, X Shi, L De Angelis, L Kuipers, C Dekker
ACS nano 13 (1), 61-70, 2018
Nano‐Optical Tweezing of Single Proteins in Plasmonic Nanopores
D Verschueren, X Shi, C Dekker
Small Methods 3 (5), 1800465, 2019
Mechanical trapping of DNA in a double-nanopore system
S Pud, SH Chao, M Belkin, D Verschueren, T Huijben, ...
Nano letters 16 (12), 8021-8028, 2016
Active delivery of single DNA molecules into a plasmonic nanopore for label-free optical sensing
X Shi, DV Verschueren, C Dekker
Nano letters 18 (12), 8003-8010, 2018
Self-aligned plasmonic nanopores by optically controlled dielectric breakdown
S Pud, D Verschueren, N Vukovic, C Plesa, MP Jonsson, C Dekker
Nano letters 15 (10), 7112-7117, 2015
Lithography-based fabrication of nanopore arrays in freestanding SiN and graphene membranes
DV Verschueren, W Yang, C Dekker
Nanotechnology 29 (14), 145302, 2018
Temperature dependence of DNA translocations through solid-state nanopores
DV Verschueren, MP Jonsson, C Dekker
Nanotechnology 26 (23), 234004, 2015
Integrating Sub‐3 nm Plasmonic Gaps into Solid‐State Nanopores
X Shi, D Verschueren, S Pud, C Dekker
Small 14 (18), 1703307, 2018
Sustained unidirectional rotation of a self-organized DNA rotor on a nanopore
X Shi, AK Pumm, J Isensee, W Zhao, D Verschueren, A Martin-Gonzalez, ...
Nature Physics 18 (9), 1105-1111, 2022
A DNA turbine powered by a transmembrane potential across a nanopore
X Shi, AK Pumm, C Maffeo, F Kohler, E Feigl, W Zhao, D Verschueren, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 19 (3), 338-344, 2024
Plasmonic nanopores for single molecule sensing
DV Verschueren
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Articles 1–13