Ray Yu-Ruei Wang
Ray Yu-Ruei Wang
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High-resolution comparative modeling with RosettaCM
Y Song*, F DiMaio*, RYR Wang, D Kim, C Miles, TJ Brunette, J Thompson, ...
Structure 21 (10), 1735-1742, 2013
EMRinger: side chain–directed model and map validation for 3D cryo-electron microscopy
BA Barad, N Echols, RYR Wang, Y Cheng, F DiMaio, PD Adams, ...
Nature methods 12 (10), 943-946, 2015
Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks
JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, ...
Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020
Automated structure refinement of macromolecular assemblies from cryo-EM maps using Rosetta
RYR Wang, Y Song, BA Barad, Y Cheng, JS Fraser, F DiMaio
Elife 5, e17219, 2016
Atomic structure of Hsp90-Cdc37-Cdk4 reveals that Hsp90 traps and stabilizes an unfolded kinase
KA Verba, RYR Wang, A Arakawa, Y Liu, M Shirouzu, S Yokoyama, ...
Science 352 (6293), 1542-1547, 2016
Structural basis of mitochondrial receptor binding and constriction by DRP1
R Kalia, RYR Wang, A Yusuf, PV Thomas, DA Agard, JM Shaw, A Frost
Nature 558 (7710), 401-405, 2018
Structure of the type VI secretion system contractile sheath
M Kudryashev, RYR Wang, M Brackmann, S Scherer, T Maier, D Baker, ...
Cell 160 (5), 952-962, 2015
De novo protein structure determination from near-atomic-resolution cryo-EM maps
RYR Wang, M Kudryashev, X Li, EH Egelman, M Basler, Y Cheng, ...
Nature methods 12 (4), 335-338, 2015
Advances in GPCR modeling evaluated by the GPCR Dock 2013 assessment: meeting new challenges
I Kufareva, V Katritch, PGDRYR Wang)), RC Stevens, R Abagyan
Structure 22 (8), 1120-1139, 2014
Structure of Hsp90–Hsp70–Hop–GR reveals the Hsp90 client-loading mechanism
RYR Wang, CM Noddings, E Kirschke, AG Myasnikov, JL Johnson, ...
Nature 601 (7893), 460-464, 2022
Improved de novo structure prediction in CASP11 by incorporating coevolution information into Rosetta
S Ovchinnikov*, DE Kim*, RYR Wang, Y Liu, F DiMaio, D Baker
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 84 (S1), 67-75, 2016
Structure of Hsp90–p23–GR reveals the Hsp90 client-remodelling mechanism
CM Noddings*, RYR Wang*, JL Johnson, DA Agard
Nature, 1-5, 2021
One contact for every twelve residues allows robust and accurate topology‐level protein structure modeling
DE Kim*, F DiMaio*, RYR Wang, Y Song, D Baker
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 82 (S2), 208-218, 2014
Unique double-ring structure of the peroxisomal Pex1/Pex6 ATPase complex revealed by cryo-electron microscopy
NB Blok*, D Tan*, RYR Wang*, PA Penczek, D Baker, F DiMaio, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (30), E4017-E4025, 2015
A conserved hydrogen-bond network in the catalytic centre of animal glutaminyl cyclases is critical for catalysis
KF Huang, YR Wang, EC Chang, TL Chou, AHJ Wang
Biochemical Journal 411 (1), 181-190, 2008
Modeling disordered regions in proteins using Rosetta
RYR Wang, Y Han, K Krassovsky, W Sheffler, M Tyka, D Baker
PloS one 6 (7), e22060, 2011
Crystal structure and functional analysis of the glutaminyl cyclase from Xanthomonas campestris
WL Huang, YR Wang, TP Ko, CY Chia, KF Huang, AHJ Wang
Journal of molecular biology 401 (3), 374-388, 2010
Structure Prediction using sparse simulated NOE restraints with Rosetta in CASP11
S Ovchinnikov, H Park, DE Kim, Y Liu, RYR Wang, D Baker
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 2016
Multimodal tubulin binding by the yeast kinesin-8, Kip3, underlies its motility and depolymerization
H Arellano-Santoyo, RA Hernandez-Lopez, E Stokasimov, RYR Wang, ...
Biorxiv, 2021.10. 12.464151, 2021
Tumor-selective, chaperone-mediated protein degradation (CHAMP) of the bromodomain transcription factor BRD4
K Foley, Y Dai, Q Ding, F Du, J Li, C Lv, T Prince, Y Sun, M Wang, R Wang, ...
European Journal of Cancer 174, S27, 2022
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