Kathryn N. Gabet Hoffmeister
Kathryn N. Gabet Hoffmeister
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Study of aluminum particle combustion in solid propellant plumes using digital in-line holography and imaging pyrometry
Y Chen, DR Guildenbecher, KNG Hoffmeister, MA Cooper, ...
Combustion and Flame 182, 225-237, 2017
High-speed CH2O PLIF imaging in turbulent flames using a pulse-burst laser system
KN Gabet, RA Patton, N Jiang, WR Lempert, JA Sutton
Applied Physics B 106 (3), 569-575, 2012
Multi-kHz mixture fraction imaging in turbulent jets using planar Rayleigh scattering
RA Patton, KN Gabet, N Jiang, WR Lempert, JA Sutton
Applied Physics B 106 (2), 457-471, 2012
Multi-kHz temperature imaging in turbulent non-premixed flames using planar Rayleigh scattering
RA Patton, KN Gabet, N Jiang, WR Lempert, JA Sutton
Applied Physics B 108 (2), 377-392, 2012
Demonstration of high-speed 1D Raman scattering line imaging
KN Gabet, N Jiang, WR Lempert, JA Sutton
Applied Physics B 101 (1), 1-5, 2010
A comparison of turbulent dimethyl ether and methane non-premixed flame structure
KN Gabet, H Shen, RA Patton, F Fuest, JA Sutton
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1447-1454, 2013
Phase conjugate digital inline holography (PCDIH)
DR Guildenbecher, KNG Hoffmeister, WM Kunzler, DR Richardson, ...
Optics letters 43 (4), 803-806, 2018
Visible emission spectra of thermographic phosphors under x-ray excitation
ER Westphal, AD Brown, EC Quintana, AL Kastengren, SF Son, TR Meyer, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 32 (9), 094008, 2021
Digital Imaging Holography and Pyrometry of Aluminum Drop Combustion in Solid Propellant Plumes
Y Chen, DR Guildenbecher, KN Hoffmeister, PE Sojka
Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LT4F. 2, 2016
Advances in phosphor two-color ratio method thermography for full-field surface temperature measurements
E Jones, A Jones, KNG Hoffmeister, C Winters
Measurement Science and Technology, 2022
Narrowband versus broadband excitation for CH2O PLIF imaging in flames using a frequency-tripled Nd: YAG laser
KN Gabet, JA Sutton
Experiments in Fluids 55 (7), 1-11, 2014
Optical phase conjugate digital inline holography for correcting aberrations in particle-laden flames
KN Gabet Hoffmeister, SP Kearney, DR Guildenbecher
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1046, 2016
Optical phase conjugate digital inline holography for correcting aberrations in particle-laden flames
KN Gabet Hoffmeister, SP Kearney, DR Guildenbecher
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1046, 2016
Hybrid fs/ps Rotational CARS Temperature and Oxygen Measurements in a Sooting, Turbulent C2H4-Fueled Jet Flame
SP Kearney, DR Guildenbecher, KN Gabet Hoffmeister, C Winters, ...
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0281, 2016
Hybrid fs/ps CARS for sooting and particle-laden flames
KN Gabet Hoffmeister, DR Guildenbecher, SP Kearney
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0282, 2016
X-ray Excitation of Thermographic Phosphors.
ER Westphal, SF Son, EC Quintana, KNG Hoffmeister
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2019
Study of Sensitivity vs. Excitation Time of LED Excited Thermographic Phosphors
E Westphal, W Flores-Brito, BR Wilburn, KN Gabet Hoffmeister
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2106, 2019
Towards high-repetition rate Rayleigh and Raman scattering imaging in turbulent jets and flames
JA Sutton, RA Patton, KN Gabet, N Jiang, W Lempert
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2010
High-Speed 1D Raman/Rayleigh Scattering Imaging in Turbulent H2/N2 Flames
KN Gabet Hoffmeister, F Fuest, JA Sutton
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0531, 2015
Towards the Development of High-Speed 1D Raman Scattering in Turbulent Non-premixed Flames
KN Gabet, N Jiang, WR Lempert, JA Sutton
48th Annual AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2011
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Articles 1–20