Abhishek Gupta
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Cited by
Optimal control in the presence of an intelligent jammer with limited actions
A Gupta, C Langbort, T Başar
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1096-1101, 2010
Common Information Based Markov Perfect Equilibria for Stochastic Games with Asymmetric Information: Finite Games
A Nayyar, A Gupta, C Langbort, T Basar
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (3), 555-570, 2014
Dynamic games with asymmetric information and resource constrained players with applications to security of cyberphysical systems
A Gupta, C Langbort, T Başar
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 4 (1), 71-81, 2016
On the existence of optimal policies for a class of static and sequential dynamic teams
A Gupta, S Yüksel, T Basar, C Langbort
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (3), 1681-1712, 2015
Common information based Markov perfect equilibria for linear-Gaussian games with asymmetric information
A Gupta, A Nayyar, C Langbort, T Basar
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (5), 3228-3260, 2014
Learning in Markov decision processes under constraints
R Singh, A Gupta, NB Shroff
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.12435, 2020
Comparison of different molds (epoxy, polymer and silicon) for microfabrication by hot embossing technique
RK Jena, CY Yue, YC Lam, PS Tang, A Gupta
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 163 (1), 233-241, 2012
Safe model-based off-policy reinforcement learning for eco-driving in connected and automated hybrid electric vehicles
Z Zhu, N Pivaro, S Gupta, A Gupta, M Canova
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 7 (2), 387-398, 2022
A dynamic transmitter-jammer game with asymmetric information
A Gupta, A Nayyar, C Langbort, T Başar
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6477-6482, 2012
A three-stage Colonel Blotto game with applications to cyberphysical security
A Gupta, G Schwartz, C Langbort, SS Sastry, T Bařar
2014 American Control Conference, 3820-3825, 2014
A deep reinforcement learning framework for eco-driving in connected and automated hybrid electric vehicles
Z Zhu, S Gupta, A Gupta, M Canova
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023
Byzantine resilience with reputation scores
J Regatti, H Chen, A Gupta
2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2022
Real-time ecodriving control in electrified connected and autonomous vehicles using approximate dynamic programing
SR Deshpande, S Gupta, A Gupta, M Canova
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 144 (1), 011111, 2022
Sinonasal aspergillosis in immunocompetent Indian children: an eight‐year experience
AK Gupta, S Ghosh, AK Gupta
Mycoses 46 (11‐12), 455-461, 2003
An Empirical Algorithm for Relative Value Iteration for Average-cost MDPs
PWG Abhishek Gupta, Rahul Jain
54th IEEE Conference in Decision and Control, 5079 - 5084, 2015
Weighted gaussian process bandits for non-stationary environments
Y Deng, X Zhou, B Kim, A Tewari, A Gupta, N Shroff
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 6909-6932, 2022
Incentive design and profit sharing in multi-modal transportation networks
Y Deng, S Shao, A Mittal, R Twumasi-Boakye, J Fishelson, A Gupta, ...
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 163, 1-21, 2022
A three-stage Colonel Blotto game: when to provide more information to an adversary
A Gupta, T Başar, GA Schwartz
Decision and Game Theory for Security: 5th International Conference, GameSec …, 2014
The topology of information on the space of probability measures over Polish spaces
M Barbie, A Gupta
Journal of Mathematical Economics 52, 98-111, 2014
Multi-objective vehicle rebalancing for ridehailing system using a reinforcement learning approach
Y Deng, H Chen, S Shao, J Tang, J Pi, A Gupta
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 7 (2), 346-364, 2022
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Articles 1–20