Ian Stevenson
Ian Stevenson
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
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How advances in neural recording affect data analysis
IH Stevenson, KP Kording
Nature neuroscience 14 (2), 139-142, 2011
Inferring functional connections between neurons
IH Stevenson, JM Rebesco, LE Miller, KP Körding
Current opinion in neurobiology 18 (6), 582-588, 2008
Spatially distributed local fields in the hippocampus encode rat position
G Agarwal, IH Stevenson, A Berényi, K Mizuseki, G Buzsáki, FT Sommer
Science 344 (6184), 626-630, 2014
Principles and mechanisms of gas sensing by GaN nanowires functionalized with gold nanoparticles
V Dobrokhotov, DN McIlroy, MG Norton, A Abuzir, WJ Yeh, I Stevenson, ...
Journal of applied physics 99 (10), 2006
Serotonin affects movement gain control in the spinal cord
K Wei, JI Glaser, L Deng, CK Thompson, IH Stevenson, Q Wang, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (38), 12690-12700, 2014
Bayesian inference of functional connectivity and network structure from spikes
IH Stevenson, JM Rebesco, NG Hatsopoulos, Z Haga, LE Miller, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 17 (3 …, 2008
Rewiring neural interactions by micro-stimulation
JM Rebesco, IH Stevenson, KP Körding, SA Solla, LE Miller
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 4, 39, 2010
Statistical assessment of the stability of neural movement representations
IH Stevenson, A Cherian, BM London, NA Sachs, E Lindberg, J Reimer, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 106 (2), 764-774, 2011
Functional connectivity and tuning curves in populations of simultaneously recorded neurons
IH Stevenson, BM London, ER Oby, NA Sachs, J Reimer, B Englitz, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (11), e1002775, 2012
Saliency and saccade encoding in the frontal eye field during natural scene search
HL Fernandes, IH Stevenson, AN Phillips, MA Segraves, KP Kording
Cerebral Cortex 24 (12), 3232-3245, 2014
Bayesian integration and non-linear feedback control in a full-body motor task
IH Stevenson, HL Fernandes, I Vilares, K Wei, KP Körding
PLoS computational biology 5 (12), e1000629, 2009
Motion games improve balance control in stroke survivors: a preliminary study based on the principle of constraint-induced movement therapy
Q Ding, IH Stevenson, N Wang, W Li, Y Sun, Q Wang, K Kording, K Wei
Displays 34 (2), 125-131, 2013
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for tuning-curve analysis
B Cronin, IH Stevenson, M Sur, KP Körding
Journal of Neurophysiology 103 (1), 591-602, 2010
Mechanical elasticity of vapour–liquid–solid grown GaN nanowires
Y Chen, I Stevenson, R Pouy, L Wang, DN McIlroy, T Pounds, MG Norton, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (13), 135708, 2007
Estimating short-term synaptic plasticity from pre-and postsynaptic spiking
A Ghanbari, A Malyshev, M Volgushev, IH Stevenson
PLoS computational biology 13 (9), e1005738, 2017
The generalization of prior uncertainty during reaching
HL Fernandes, IH Stevenson, I Vilares, KP Kording
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (34), 11470-11484, 2014
The uncertainty associated with visual flow fields and their influence on postural sway: Weber's law suffices to explain the nonlinearity of vection
K Wei, IH Stevenson, KP Körding
Journal of vision 10 (14), 4-4, 2010
Generalization of stochastic visuomotor rotations
HL Fernandes, IH Stevenson, KP Kording
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43016, 2012
Sensory adaptation and short term plasticity as Bayesian correction for a changing brain
IH Stevenson, B Cronin, M Sur, KP Kording
PloS one 5 (8), e12436, 2010
Flexible models for spike count data with both over-and under-dispersion
IH Stevenson
Journal of computational neuroscience 41, 29-43, 2016
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Articles 1–20