Charles W. Carter, Jr
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Protein crystallization using incomplete factorial experiments.
CW Carter
Journal of Biological Chemistry 254 (23), 12219-12223, 1979
Cytidine deaminase. The 2· 3 Ċ crystal structure of an enzyme: transition-state analog complex
L Betts, S Xiang, SA Short, R Wolfenden, CW Carter Jr
Journal of molecular biology 235 (2), 635-656, 1994
Autoimmunity is triggered by cPR-3 (105–201), a protein complementary to human autoantigen proteinase-3
WF Pendergraft III, GA Preston, RR Shah, A Tropsha, CW Carter Jr, ...
Nature medicine 10 (1), 72-79, 2004
Cognition, mechanism, and evolutionary relationships in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
CW Carter
Annual review of biochemistry 62 (1), 715-748, 1993
Crystal structure of estrogen sulphotransferase.
Y Kakuta, LG Pedersen, CW Carter, M Negishi, LC Pedersen
Nature structural biology 4 (11), 904-908, 1997
A Comparison of Fe4S4 Clusters in High-Potential Iron Protein and in Ferredoxin
CW Carter Jr, J Kraut, ST Freer, RA Alden, LC Sieker, E Adman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 69 (12), 3526-3529, 1972
Two-Angstrom crystal structure of oxidized Chromatium high potential iron protein
CW Carter, J Kraut, ST Freer, N Xuong, RA Alden, RG Bartsch
Journal of Biological Chemistry 249 (13), 4212-4225, 1974
Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase crystal structure reveals an unexpected homology to tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
S Doublié, G Bricogne, C Gilmore, CW Carter Jr
Structure 3 (1), 17-31, 1995
Comparison of oxidation-reduction site geometries in oxidized and reduced Chromatium high potential iron protein and oxidized Peptococcus aerogenes ferredoxin
CW Carter, J Kraut, ST Freer, RA Alden
Journal of Biological Chemistry 249 (19), 6339-6346, 1974
A proposed model for interaction of polypeptides with RNA
CW Carter Jr, J Kraut
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 71 (2), 283-287, 1974
Escherichia coli cytidine deaminase provides a molecular model for ApoB RNA editing and a mechanism for RNA substrate recognition
N Navaratnam, T Fujino, J Bayliss, A Jarmuz, A How, N Richardson, ...
Journal of molecular biology 275 (4), 695-714, 1998
Four-body potentials reveal protein-specific correlations to stability changes caused by hydrophobic core mutations
CW Carter Jr, BC LeFebvre, SA Cammer, A Tropsha, MH Edgell
Journal of Molecular Biology 311 (4), 625-638, 2001
Crystallographic structure refinement of Chromatium high potential iron protein at two Angstroms resolution.
ST Freer, RA Alden, CW Carter Jr, J Kraut
Journal of Biological Chemistry 250 (1), 46-54, 1975
Transition-state selectivity for a single hydroxyl group during catalysis by cytidine deaminase
S Xiang, SA Short, R Wolfenden, CW Carter Jr
Biochemistry 34 (14), 4516-4523, 1995
Statistical design of experiments for protein crystal growth and the use of a precrystallization assay
CW Carter Jr, ET Baldwin, L Frick
Journal of Crystal Growth 90 (1-3), 60-73, 1988
Nucleosomal structure of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in transformed cell lines
JE Shaw, LF Levinger, CW Carter Jr
Journal of virology 29 (2), 657-665, 1979
New stereochemical analogies between iron-sulfur electron transport proteins.
CW Carter Jr
Journal of Biological Chemistry 252 (21), 7802-7811, 1977
The nucleoside deaminases for cytidine and adenosine: structure, transition state stabilization, mechanism, and evolution
CW Carter Jr
Biochimie 77 (1-2), 92-98, 1995
The Structure of the Cytidine Deaminase−Product Complex Provides Evidence for Efficient Proton Transfer and Ground-State Destabilization,
S Xiang, SA Short, R Wolfenden, CW Carter
Biochemistry 36 (16), 4768-4774, 1997
What RNA world? Why a peptide/RNA partnership merits renewed experimental attention
CW Carter Jr
Life 5 (1), 294-320, 2015
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Articles 1–20