Dr. Suresh Perumal
Dr. Suresh Perumal
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH), Kandi, Telangana, India.
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High Thermoelectric Performance and Enhanced Mechanical Stability of p-type Ge1–xSbxTe
S Perumal, S Roychowdhury, DS Negi, R Datta, K Biswas
Chemistry of Materials 27 (20), 7171-7178, 2015
The origin of low thermal conductivity in Sn 1− x Sb x Te: Phonon scattering via layered intergrowth nanostructures
A Banik, B Vishal, S Perumal, R Datta, K Biswas
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (6), 2011-2019, 2016
High performance thermoelectric materials and devices based on GeTe
S Perumal, S Roychowdhury, K Biswas
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (32), 7520-7536, 2016
Realization of high thermoelectric figure of merit in GeTe by complementary co-doping of Bi and In
S Perumal, M Samanta, T Ghosh, US Shenoy, AK Bohra, S Bhattacharya, ...
Joule 3 (10), 2565-2580, 2019
Reduction of thermal conductivity through nanostructuring enhances the thermoelectric figure of merit in Ge 1− x Bi x Te
S Perumal, S Roychowdhury, K Biswas
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 3 (1), 125-132, 2016
Low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance in Sb and Bi codoped GeTe: complementary effect of band convergence and nanostructuring
S Perumal, P Bellare, US Shenoy, UV Waghmare, K Biswas
Chemistry of Materials 29 (24), 10426-10435, 2017
Effect of doping concentration on the structural and optical properties of pure and tin doped zinc oxide thin films by nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) technique
R Mariappan, V Ponnuswamy, P Suresh
Superlattices and Microstructures 52 (3), 500-513, 2012
Germanium chalcogenide thermoelectrics: electronic structure modulation and low lattice thermal conductivity
S Roychowdhury, M Samanta, S Perumal, K Biswas
Chemistry of Materials 30 (17), 5799-5813, 2018
Ultrahigh Thermoelectric Figure of Merit and Enhanced Mechanical Stability of p-type AgSb1–xZnxTe2
S Roychowdhury, R Panigrahi, S Perumal, K Biswas
ACS Energy Letters 2 (2), 349-356, 2017
Ultrahigh Average Thermoelectric Figure of Merit, Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Enhanced Microhardness in Nanostructured (GeTe)x(AgSbSe2)100−x
M Samanta, S Roychowdhury, J Ghatak, S Perumal, K Biswas
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (31), 7438-7443, 2017
Influence of film thickness on the properties of sprayed ZnO thin films for gas sensor applications
R Mariappan, V Ponnuswamy, P Suresh, N Ashok, P Jayamurugan, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 71, 238-249, 2014
Role of substrate temperature on the properties of Na-doped ZnO thin film nanorods and performance of ammonia gas sensors using nebulizer spray pyrolysis technique
R Mariappan, V Ponnuswamy, R Suresh, P Suresh, AC Bose, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 582, 387-391, 2014
Deposition and characterization of pure and Cd doped SnO2 thin films by the nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) technique
R Mariappan, V Ponnuswamy, P Suresh, R Suresh, M Ragavendar, ...
Materials science in semiconductor processing 16 (3), 825-832, 2013
Lanthanum doped copper oxide nanoparticles enabled proficient bi-functional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting
JD Rodney, S Deepapriya, MC Robinson, CJ Raj, S Perumal, BC Kim, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (46), 24684-24696, 2020
Evaluation of extracts of Borassus flabellifer dust as green inhibitors for aluminium corrosion in acidic media
RS Nathiya, S Perumal, V Murugesan, V Raj
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 104, 104674, 2019
Discovery of carbon nanotubes in sixth century BC potteries from Keeladi, India
M Kokarneswaran, P Selvaraj, T Ashokan, S Perumal, P Sellappan, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19786, 2020
Synthesis and functional properties of nanostructured Gd-doped WO3/TiO2 composites for sensing applications
G Mathankumar, P Bharathi, MK Mohan, S Harish, M Navaneethan, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 105, 104732, 2020
Expired Drugs: Environmentally Safe Inhibitors for Aluminium Corrosion in 1 M H2SO4
RS Nathiya, S Perumal, V Murugesan, V Raj
Journal of Bio-and Tribo-Corrosion 4, 1-13, 2018
Thermoelectric properties of chromium disilicide prepared by mechanical alloying
S Perumal, S Gorsse, U Ail, M Prakasam, B Chevalier, AM Umarji
Journal of Materials Science 48, 6018-6024, 2013
Nanostructured GdxZn1− xO thin films by nebulizer spray pyrolysis technique: Role of doping concentration on the structural and optical properties
R Mariappan, V Ponnuswamy, P Suresh, R Suresh, M Ragavendar
Superlattices and Microstructures 59, 47-59, 2013
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Articles 1–20