Matthew Bonds
Matthew Bonds
Associate Professor, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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Mathematical assessment of the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on curtailing the 2019 novel Coronavirus
CN Ngonghala, E Iboi, S Eikenberry, M Scotch, CR MacIntyre, MH Bonds, ...
Mathematical biosciences 325, 108364, 2020
Poverty trap formed by the ecology of infectious diseases
MH Bonds, DC Keenan, P Rohani, JD Sachs
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1685), 1185-1192, 2010
Rwanda 20 years on: investing in life
A Binagwaho, PE Farmer, S Nsanzimana, C Karema, M Gasana, ...
The Lancet 384 (9940), 371-375, 2014
Prioritising the role of community health workers in the COVID-19 response
M Ballard, E Bancroft, J Nesbit, A Johnson, I Holeman, J Foth, D Rogers, ...
BMJ global health 5 (6), e002550, 2020
Temperature drives Zika virus transmission: evidence from empirical and mathematical models
B Tesla, LR Demakovsky, EA Mordecai, SJ Ryan, MH Bonds, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 10.1098/rspb.2018.0795, 2018
Disease ecology, health and the environment: a framework to account for ecological and socio-economic drivers in the control of neglected tropical diseases
A Garchitorena, SH Sokolow, B Roche, CN Ngonghala, M Jocque, A Lund, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Disease ecology, biodiversity, and the latitudinal gradient in income
M Bonds, A Dobson, D Keenan
PLOS Biology 10 (12), e1001456, 2012
Economic valuation of subsistence harvest of wildlife in Madagascar
Conservation Biology 28 (1), 234-43, 2014
Poverty, Disease, and the Ecology of Complex Systems
CN Ngonghala, MM Plucinski, MB Murray, PE Farmer, CB Barrett, ...
PLoS Biology 12 (4), e1001827, 2014
Warming temperatures could expose more than 1.3 billion new people to Zika virus risk by 2050
SJ Ryan, CJ Carlson, B Tesla, MH Bonds, CN Ngonghala, EA Mordecai, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (1), 84-93, 2021
Host life-history strategy explains pathogen-induced sterility
MH Bonds
The American Naturalist 168 (3), 281-293, 2006
The impact of reducing financial barriers on utilisation of a primary health care facility in Rwanda
RS Dhillon, MH Bonds, M Fraden, D Ndahiro, J Ruxin
Global Public Health 7, 71-86, 2012
In Madagascar, use of health care services increased when fees were removed: lessons for universal health coverage
A Garchitorena, AC Miller, LF Cordier, R Ramananjato, VR Rabeza, ...
Health affairs 36 (8), 1443-1451, 2017
General ecological models for human subsistence, health, and poverty
CN Ngonghala, G De Leo, M Pascual, DC Keenan, A Dobson, MH Bonds
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1153-1159, 2017
Interventions to reduce risk for pathogen spillover and early disease spread to prevent outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics
NM Vora, L Hannah, C Walzer, MM Vale, S Lieberman, A Emerson, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 29 (3), 2023
Higher disease prevalence can induce greater sociality: a game theoretic coevolutionary model
MH Bonds, DD Keenan, AJ Leidner, P Rohani
Evolution 59 (9), 1859-1866, 2005
Improving geographical accessibility modeling for operational use by local health actors
FA Ihantamalala, V Herbreteau, C Révillion, M Randriamihaja, ...
International Journal of Health Geographics 19, 27, 2020
Acquired and Transmitted Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis: The Role of Social Determinants
A Odone, R Calderon, MC Becerra, Z Zhang, CC Contreras, R Yataco, ...
PLoS ONE 11 (1), e0146642, 2016
Estimating the effects of variation in viremia on mosquito susceptibility, infectiousness, and R0 of Zika in Aedes aegypti
B Tesla, LR Demakovsky, HS Packiam, EA Mordecai, AD Rodriguez, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12 (8), e0006733, 2018
Adaptive social contact rates induce complex dynamics during epidemics
RF Arthur, JH Jones, MH Bonds, Y Ram, MW Feldman
PLoS computational biology 17 (2), e1008639, 2021
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Articles 1–20