Fabien Vivodtzev
Fabien Vivodtzev
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Cited by
Hierachical isosurface segmentation based on discrete curvature
F Vivodtzev, L Linsen, GP Bonneau, B Hamann, K Joy, BA Olshausen
Topology-preserving simplification of 2D nonmanifold meshes with embedded structures
F Vivodtzev, GP Bonneau, P Le Texier
The Visual Computer 21 (8), 679-688, 2005
Brain mapping using topology graphs obtained by surface segmentation
F Vivodtzev, L Linsen, B Hamann, KI Joy, BA Olshausen
Scientific Visualization: The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data, 35-48, 2006
Topological Analysis of Ensembles of Hydrodynamic Turbulent Flows An Experimental Study
F Nauleau, F Vivodtzev, T Bridel-Bertomeu, H Beaugendre, J Tierny
2022 IEEE 12th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 1-11, 2022
Topological analysis of high velocity turbulent flow
T Bridel-Bertomeu, B Fovet, J Tierny, F Vivodtzev
2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 87-88, 2019
Substructure Topology Preserving Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes
F Vivodtzev, GP Bonneau, S Hahmann, H Hagen
Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, 55-66, 2011
Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data
J Bennett, F Vivodtzev, V Pascucci
Springer, 2015
Piecewise polynomial monotonic interpolation of 2D gridded data
L Allemand-Giorgis, GP Bonneau, S Hahmann, F Vivodtzev
Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data: Tackling Large-Scale …, 2014
Immersed boundaries in hypersonic flows with considerations about high-fidelity and massive parallelism
F Nauleau, T Bridel-Bertomeu, H Beaugendre, F Vivodtzev
ECCOMAS 2022-8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied …, 2022
Remote visualization of large scale fast dynamic simulations in a HPC context
F Vivodtzev, I Bertron
2014 IEEE 4th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 121-122, 2014
Automatic feature-based surface mapping for brain cortices
F Vivodtzev, DF Wiley, L Linsen, J Jones, N Amenta, B Hamann, KI Joy
Visualization and Data Analysis 2006 6060, 295-306, 2006
Identifying Locally Turbulent Vortices within Instabilities
F Vivodtzev, F Nauleau, JP Braeunig, J Tierny
2024 IEEE 14th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 67-68, 2024
Topological Data Analysis for numerical method comparisons of 2D turbulent flows
F Nauleau, T Bridel-Bertomeu, F Vivodtzev, H Beaugendre, J Tierny
Journée Visu 2021, 2021
Hiérarchisation et visualisation multirésolution de résultats issus de codes de simulation
F Vivodtzev
Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble I, 2005
Topological Representations for Data Analysis: Use Cases on Instabilities and Turbulences
F Vivodtzev, F Nauleau, A Casner, J Tierny
EPJ Web of Conferences 302, 03008, 2024
Immersed boundaries in hypersonic flows with considerations about high-order for LES simulations
F Nauleau, H Beaugendre, T Bridel-Bertomeu, F Vivodtzev
IACM 22nd Computational Fluids Conference-CFC 2023, 2023
In Situ Segmentation of Turbulent Flow with Topology Data Analysis
F Nauleau, B Fovet, F Vivodtzev
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters, 1-2, 2022
Piecewise polynomial Reconstruction of Scalar Fields from Simplified Morse-Smale Complexes
L Allemand-Giorgis, GP Bonneau, S Hahmann, B Arbelot, R Vergne, ...
Topological Data Analysis, 2016
Léo Allemand-Giorgis, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Fabien Vivodtzev. Piecewise polynomial monotonic interpolation of 2D gridded data. Bennett, Janine; Vivodtzev …
L Allemand-Giorgis, GP Bonneau, S Hahmann, F Vivodtzev
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Inria …, 2014
VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data
H Childs, E Brugger, B Whitlock, J Meredith, S Ahern, K Bonnell, M Miller, ...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 2011
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Articles 1–20