Nikolay K Vitanov
Nikolay K Vitanov
Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, COSTNET CA15109
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Cited by
Application of simplest equations of Bernoulli and Riccati kind for obtaining exact traveling-wave solutions for a class of PDEs with polynomial nonlinearity
NK Vitanov
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15 (8), 2050-2060, 2010
Modified method of simplest equation: powerful tool for obtaining exact and approximate traveling-wave solutions of nonlinear PDEs
NK Vitanov
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (3), 1176-1185, 2011
Modified method of simplest equation and its application to nonlinear PDEs
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova, H Kantz
Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (9), 2587-2595, 2010
Application of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling-wave solutions for two classes of model PDEs from ecology and population dynamics
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15 (10), 2836-2845, 2010
Markov chain model for turbulent wind speed data
H Kantz, D Holstein, M Ragwitz, NK Vitanov
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 342 (1-2), 315-321, 2004
Spatiotemporal symmetry and multifractal structure of head movements during dyadic conversation.
KT Ashenfelter, SM Boker, JR Waddell, N Vitanov
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (4 …, 2009
On modified method of simplest equation for obtaining exact and approximate solutions of nonlinear PDEs: the role of the simplest equation
NK Vitanov
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (11), 4215-4231, 2011
On nonlinear dynamics of interacting populations: Coupled kink waves in a system of two populations
NK Vitanov, IP Jordanov, ZI Dimitrova
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 (5), 2379-2388, 2009
On nonlinear population waves
NK Vitanov, IP Jordanov, ZI Dimitrova
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (8), 2950-2964, 2009
Science dynamics and research production
NK Vitanov, Vitanov, N Vitanov
Springer, 2016
Knowledge epidemics and population dynamics models for describing idea diffusion
NK Vitanov, MR Ausloos
Models of science dynamics: Encounters between complexity theory and …, 2011
Verhulst–Lotka–Volterra (VLV) model of ideological struggle
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova, M Ausloos
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (21), 4970-4980, 2010
Adaptation and its impact on the dynamics of a system of three competing populations
ZI Dimitrova, NK Vitanov
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 300 (1-2), 91-115, 2001
Influence of adaptation on the nonlinear dynamics of a system of competing populations
ZI Dimitrova, NK Vitanov
Physics Letters A 272 (5-6), 368-380, 2000
Modified method of simplest equation for obtaining exact analytical solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations: further development of the methodology with applications
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova, KN Vitanov
Applied Mathematics and Computation 269, 363-378, 2015
Chaotic pairwise competition
ZI Dimitrova, NK Vitanov
Theoretical Population Biology 66 (1), 1-12, 2004
New class of running-wave solutions of the (2+ 1)-dimensional sine-Gordon equation
NK Martinov, NK Vitanov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (13), 4611, 1994
On some solutions of the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation
N Martinov, N Vitanov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (8), L419, 1992
On the class of nonlinear PDEs that can be treated by the modified method of simplest equation. Application to generalized Degasperis–Processi equation and b-equation
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova, KN Vitanov
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (8), 3033-3044, 2011
Traveling waves and statistical distributions connected to systems of interacting populations
NK Vitanov, ZI Dimitrova, KN Vitanov
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (9), 1666-1684, 2013
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Articles 1–20