Kenji Natori
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Cited by
Time-delay compensation by communication disturbance observer for bilateral teleoperation under time-varying delay
K Natori, T Tsuji, K Ohnishi, A Hace, K Jezernik
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (3), 1050-1062, 2010
A design method of communication disturbance observer for time-delay compensation, taking the dynamic property of network disturbance into account
K Natori, K Ohnishi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (5), 2152-2168, 2008
Stability analysis and practical design procedure of time delayed control systems with communication disturbance observer
K Natori, R Oboe, K Ohnishi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 4 (3), 185-197, 2008
Robust bilateral control with internet communication
K Natori, T Tsuji, K Ohnishi, A Hace, K Jezernik
30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON …, 2004
Performance analysis of a three-channel control architecture for bilateral teleoperation with time delay
R Kubo, N Iiyama, K Natori, K Ohnishi, H Furukawa
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 127 (12), 1224-1230, 2007
Flexible power flow control for next-generation multi-terminal DC power network
K Natori, H Obara, K Yoshikawa, BC Hiu, Y Sato
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 778-784, 2014
Time delay compensation by communication disturbance observer in bilateral teleoperation systems
K Natori, T Tsuji, K Ohnishi
9th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2006., 218-223, 2006
A controller design method of bilateral control system
T Tsuji, K Natori, H Nishi, K Ohnishi
EPE Journal 16 (2), 22-28, 2006
An approach to design of feedback systems with time delay
K Natori, K Ohnishi
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
Analysis and design of time delayed control systems with communication disturbance observer
K Natori, R Oboe, K Ohnishi
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 3132-3137, 2007
A design method of time-delay systems with communication disturbance observer by using Pade approximation
K Natori
2012 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), 1-6, 2012
A controller design method of bilateral control system
T Tsuji, K Natori, K Ohnishi
European power electronics power electronics and motion control conference 4 …, 2004
A design method of communication disturbance observer for time delay compensation
K Natori, K Ohnishi
IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 730-735, 2006
Haptics for medical applications
K Ohnishi, T Shimono, K Natori
Artificial Life and Robotics 13, 383-389, 2009
Robust time delayed control systems with communication disturbance observer
K Natori, R Oboe, K Ohnishi
IECON 2007-33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2007
Transparency of time delayed bilateral teleoperation systems with communication disturbance observer
K Natori, R Kubo, K Ohnishi
2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 1-6, 2007
A multi-terminal power flow control method for next-generation DC power network
Y Takahashi, K Natori, Y Sato
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 6223-6230, 2015
A study on high-efficiency floating multi-terminal power flow controller for next-generation DC power networks
K Natori, T Tanaka, Y Takahashi, Y Sato
2017 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE), 2631-2637, 2017
Three-channel micro-macro bilateral control system with scaling of control gains
S Susa, K Natori, K Ohnishi
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2598-2603, 2008
A Novel Structure of Time Delay Control System with Communication Disturbance Observe
R Oboe, K Natori, K Ohnishi
International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC 8, 2008
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Articles 1–20