Fábio de Lima Leite
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Cited by
Theoretical models for surface forces and adhesion and their measurement using atomic force microscopy
FL Leite, CC Bueno, AL Da Róz, EC Ziemath, ON Oliveira Jr
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (10), 12773-12856, 2012
Cellulose nanofibers from white and naturally colored cotton fibers
E de Morais Teixeira, AC Corrêa, A Manzoli, F de Lima Leite, ...
Cellulose 17 (3), 595-606, 2010
Measurement of the nanoscale roughness by atomic force microscopy: basic principles and applications
RRL De Oliveira, DAC Albuquerque, TGS Cruz, FM Yamaji, FL Leite
Atomic force microscopy-imaging, measuring and manipulating surfaces at the …, 2012
Application of atomic force spectroscopy (AFS) to studies of adhesion phenomena: a review
FL Leite, PSP Herrmann
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 19 3 (5), 365-405, 2005
Atomic Force Microscopy in Adhesion Studies
Atomic force microscopy in adhesion studies, 3, 2005
Structural characterization of Chloride Salt of conducting polyaniline obtained by XRD, SAXD, SAXS and SEM
EA Sanches, JC Soares, AC Mafud, EGR Fernandes, FL Leite, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 1036, 121-126, 2013
Atomic Force Microscopy as a Tool Applied to Nano/Biosensors
C Steffens, FL Leite, CC Bueno, A Manzoli, PSDP Herrmann
Sensors 12 (6), 8278-8300, 2012
Thermo-analyses of polyaniline and its derivatives
WF Alves, EC Venancio, FL Leite, DHF Kanda, LF Malmonge, ...
Thermochimica Acta 502 (1-2), 43-46, 2010
Adsorption of chitosan on spin-coated cellulose films
AL Da Róz, FL Leite, LV Pereiro, PAP Nascente, V Zucolotto, ...
Carbohydrate Polymers 80 (1), 65-70, 2010
Nanoscience and its Applications
O de Oliveira Jr, FLG Marystela, F de Lima Leite, AL Da Róz
William Andrew, 2016
Low-Cost Gas Sensors Produced by the Graphite Line-Patterning Technique Applied to Monitoring Banana Ripeness
A Manzoli, C Steffens, RT Paschoalin, AA Correa, WF Alves, FL Leite, ...
Sensors 11 (6), 6425-6434, 2011
Adsorption according to the Langmuir–Freundlich model is the detection mechanism of the antigen p53 for early diagnosis of cancer
JC Soares, AC Soares, PAR Pereira, V da Cruz Rodrigues, FM Shimizu, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (12), 8412-8418, 2016
Nanobiosensors based on chemically modified AFM probes: a useful tool for metsulfuron-methyl detection
ACN Da Silva, DK Deda, AL Da Róz, RA Prado, CC Carvalho, V Viviani, ...
Sensors 13 (2), 1477-1489, 2013
Nanocharacterization techniques
O de Oliveira Jr, FLG Marystela, F de Lima Leite, AL Da Róz
William Andrew, 2017
Mapping of adhesion forces on soil minerals in air and water by atomic force spectroscopy (AFS)
FL Leite, JR Riul, PSP Herrmann
Journal of adhesion science and technology 17 (16), 2141-2156, 2003
Study on the adsorption of poly (< i> o</i>-ethoxyaniline) nanostructured films using atomic force microscopy
FL Leite, LG Paterno, CE Borato, PSP Herrmann, ON Oliveira, ...
Polymer 46 (26), 12503-12510, 2005
XRD, AFM, IR and TGA study of nanostructured hydroxyapatite
M Mir, FL Leite, PSP Herrmann Junior, FL Pissetti, AM Rossi, EL Moreira, ...
Materials Research 15, 622-627, 2012
Preparation and characterization of paclitaxel-loaded PLDLA microspheres
KF Martins, AD Messias, FL Leite, EAR Duek
Materials Research 17, 650-656, 2014
TEM, XRD and AFM study of poly (o-ethoxyaniline) films: new evidence for the formation of conducting islands
FL Leite, WF Alves, M Mir, YP Mascarenhas, PSP Herrmann, ...
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 93 (2), 537-542, 2008
Sexual minorities: The terminology
MCCC Rodrigues, F Leite, M Queirós
European Psychiatry 41 (S1), s848-s848, 2017
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Articles 1–20