Ze-Fan Yao 姚泽凡
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Cited by
Control of π–π Stacking via Crystal Engineering in Organic Conjugated Small Molecule Crystals
ZF Yao, JY Wang, J Pei
Crystal Growth & Design 18 (1), 7-15, 2018
Fine-tuning of crystal packing and charge transport properties of BDOPV derivatives through fluorine substitution
JH Dou, YQ Zheng, ZF Yao, ZA Yu, T Lei, X Shen, XY Luo, J Sun, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (50), 15947-15956, 2015
Pyrazine-flanked diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP): a new polymer building block for high-performance n-type organic thermoelectrics
X Yan, M Xiong, JT Li, S Zhang, Z Ahmad, Y Lu, ZY Wang, ZF Yao, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (51), 20215-20221, 2019
Polymer Semiconductors: Synthesis, Processing, and Applications
L Ding, ZD Yu, XY Wang, ZF Yao, Y Lu, CY Yang, JY Wang, J Pei
Chemical Reviews, 2023
A Vinylene‐Linker‐Based Polymer Acceptor Featuring a Coplanar and Rigid Molecular Conformation Enables High‐Performance All‐Polymer Solar Cells with Over 17% Efficiency
H Yu, Y Wang, HK Kim, X Wu, Y Li, Z Yao, M Pan, X Zou, J Zhang, S Chen, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (27), 2200361, 2022
Rigid coplanar polymers for stable n‐type polymer thermoelectrics
Y Lu, ZD Yu, RZ Zhang, ZF Yao, HY You, L Jiang, HI Un, BW Dong, ...
Angewandte Chemie 131 (33), 11512-11516, 2019
A thermally activated and highly miscible dopant for n-type organic thermoelectrics
CY Yang, YF Ding, D Huang, J Wang, ZF Yao, CX Huang, Y Lu, HI Un, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3292, 2020
Unraveling the solution‐state supramolecular structures of donor–acceptor polymers and their influence on solid‐state morphology and charge‐transport properties
YQ Zheng, ZF Yao, T Lei, JH Dou, CY Yang, L Zou, X Meng, W Ma, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (42), 1701072, 2017
The critical role of dopant cations in electrical conductivity and thermoelectric performance of n-doped polymers
Y Lu, ZD Yu, Y Liu, YF Ding, CY Yang, ZF Yao, ZY Wang, HY You, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (36), 15340-15348, 2020
Persistent conjugated backbone and disordered lamellar packing impart polymers with efficient n‐doping and high conductivities
Y Lu, ZD Yu, HI Un, ZF Yao, HY You, W Jin, L Li, ZY Wang, BW Dong, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (2), 2005946, 2021
A Cofacially Stacked Electron‐Deficient Small Molecule with a High Electron Mobility of over 10 cm2 V−1 s−1 in Air
JH Dou, YQ Zheng, ZF Yao, T Lei, X Shen, XY Luo, ZA Yu, SD Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (48), 8051-8055, 2015
Effect of halogenation in isoindigo-based polymers on the phase separation and molecular orientation of bulk heterojunction solar cells
YQ Zheng, Z Wang, JH Dou, SD Zhang, XY Luo, ZF Yao, JY Wang, J Pei
Macromolecules 48 (16), 5570-5577, 2015
BN‐Embedded Tetrabenzopentacene: A Pentacene Derivative with Improved Stability
FD Zhuang, ZH Sun, ZF Yao, QR Chen, Z Huang, JH Yang, JY Wang, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (31), 10708-10712, 2019
Ordered solid‐state microstructures of conjugated polymers arising from solution‐state aggregation
ZF Yao, ZY Wang, HT Wu, Y Lu, QY Li, L Zou, JY Wang, J Pei
Angewandte Chemie 132 (40), 17620-17624, 2020
Wafer‐Scale Fabrication of High‐Performance n‐Type Polymer Monolayer Transistors Using a Multi‐Level Self‐Assembly Strategy
ZF Yao, YQ Zheng, QY Li, T Lei, S Zhang, L Zou, HY Liu, JH Dou, Y Lu, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (7), 1806747, 2019
“Spine surgery” of perylene diimides with covalent B–N bonds toward electron-deficient BN-embedded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
K Zhao, ZF Yao, ZY Wang, JC Zeng, L Ding, M Xiong, JY Wang, J Pei
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (7), 3091-3098, 2022
Controlling morphology and microstructure of conjugated polymers via solution-state aggregation
ZF Yao, JY Wang, J Pei
Progress in Polymer Science 136, 101626, 2023
Organic semiconducting alloys with tunable energy levels
JH Dou, ZA Yu, J Zhang, YQ Zheng, ZF Yao, Z Tu, X Wang, S Huang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (16), 6561-6568, 2019
High-performance polymer field-effect transistors: from the perspective of multi-level microstructures
ZF Yao, JY Wang, J Pei
Chemical Science, 2021
Parent B2N2‐Perylenes with Different BN Orientations
PF Zhang, JC Zeng, FD Zhuang, KX Zhao, ZH Sun, ZF Yao, Y Lu, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (43), 23313-23319, 2021
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Articles 1–20