Cemal Yilmaz
Cemal Yilmaz
Professor of Computer Science, Sabanci University, Turkey
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Real time detection of cache-based side-channel attacks using hardware performance counters
M Chiappetta, E Savas, C Yilmaz
Applied Soft Computing 49, 1162-1174, 2016
Covering arrays for efficient fault characterization in complex configuration spaces
C Yilmaz, MB Cohen, AA Porter
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32 (1), 20-34, 2006
Drought-induced oxidative damage and antioxidant responses in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seedlings
U Celikkol Akcay, O Ercan, M Kavas, L Yildiz, C Yilmaz, HA Oktem, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 61, 21-28, 2010
Skoll: Distributed continuous quality assurance
A Memon, A Porter, C Yilmaz, A Nagarajan, D Schmidt, B Natarajan
Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, 459-468, 2004
Covering arrays for efficient fault characterization in complex configuration spaces
C Yilmaz, MB Cohen, A Porter
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29 (4), 45-54, 2004
Moving forward with combinatorial interaction testing
C Yilmaz, S Fouché, MB Cohen, A Porter, G Demiroz, U Koc
Computer 47 (2), 37-45, 2013
Time will tell: fault localization using time spectra
C Yilmaz, A Paradkar, C Williams
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering, 81-90, 2008
SpyDetector: An approach for detecting side-channel attacks at runtime
Y Kulah, B Dincer, C Yilmaz, E Savas
International Journal of Information Security 18, 393-422, 2019
Feedback driven adaptive combinatorial testing
E Dumlu, C Yilmaz, MB Cohen, A Porter
Proceedings of the 2011 international symposium on software testing and …, 2011
Main effects screening: a distributed continuous quality assurance process for monitoring performance degradation in evolving software systems
C Yilmaz, AS Krishna, A Memon, A Porter, DC Schmidt, A Gokhale, ...
Proceedings of the 27th international Conference on Software Engineering …, 2005
Skoll: A process and infrastructure for distributed continuous quality assurance
A Porter, C Yilmaz, AM Memon, DC Schmidt, B Natarajan
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (8), 510-525, 2007
Reducing masking effects in combinatorialinteraction testing: A feedback drivenadaptive approach
C Yilmaz, E Dumlu, MB Cohen, A Porter
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 40 (1), 43-66, 2013
Techniques and processes for improving the quality and performance of open‐source software
A Porter, C Yilmaz, AM Memon, AS Krishna, DC Schmidt, A Gokhale
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11 (2), 163-176, 2006
Hizmetkâr liderlik ile örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişki
C Yilmaz
Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı …, 2013
Test case-aware combinatorial interaction testing
C Yilmaz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (5), 684-706, 2012
Seer: a lightweight online failure prediction approach
B Ozcelik, C Yilmaz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (1), 26-46, 2015
An automated model-based debugging approach
C Yilmaz, C Williams
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2007
Answer-set programming as a new approach to event-sequence testing
E Erdem, K Inoue, J Oetsch, J Pührer, H Tompits, C Yılmaz
IARIA, 2011
Less is more: A minimalistic approach to UML model-based conformance test generation
M Kaplan, T Klinger, AM Paradkar, A Sinha, C Williams, C Yilmaz
2008 1st International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and …, 2008
Automated issue assignment: results and insights from an industrial case
EU Aktas, C Yilmaz
Empirical Software Engineering 25 (5), 3544-3589, 2020
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Articles 1–20