William T. Robinson
William T. Robinson
Associate Professor of Management, Purdue University
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An empirical pooling approach for estimating marketing mix elasticities with PIMS data
V Ramaswamy, WS DeSarbo, DJ Reibstein, WT Robinson
Marketing science 12 (1), 103-124, 1993
Sources of market pioneer advantages in consumer goods industries
WT Robinson, C Fornell
Journal of marketing Research 22 (3), 305-317, 1985
Sources of market pioneer advantages: The case of industrial goods industries
WT Robinson
Journal of Marketing research 25 (1), 87-94, 1988
Are market pioneers intrinsically stronger than later entrants?
WT Robinson, C Fornell, M Sullivan
Strategic Management Journal 13 (8), 609-624, 1992
Order of market entry: Established empirical generalizations, emerging empirical generalizations, and future research
G Kalyanaram, WT Robinson, GL Urban
Marketing science 14 (3_supplement), G212-G221, 1995
Is the first to market the first to fail? Empirical evidence for industrial goods businesses
WT Robinson, S Min
Journal of Marketing Research 39 (1), 120-128, 2002
Market pioneer and early follower survival risks: A contingency analysis of really new versus incrementally new product-markets
S Min, MU Kalwani, WT Robinson
Journal of Marketing 70 (1), 15-33, 2006
Product innovation and start-up business market share performance
WT Robinson
Management science 36 (10), 1279-1289, 1990
Marketing mix reactions to entry
WT Robinson
Marketing Science 7 (4), 368-385, 1988
Note: the impact of leadtime and years of competitive rivalry on pioneer market share advantages
LC Huff, WT Robinson
Management Science 40 (10), 1370-1377, 1994
First-mover advantages from pioneering new markets: A survey of empirical evidence
WT Robinson, G Kalyanaram, GL Urban
Review of Industrial Organization 9, 1-23, 1994
Industrial organization and consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction
C Fornell, WT Robinson
Journal of Consumer Research 9 (4), 403-412, 1983
Product development strategies for established market pioneers, early followers, and late entrants
WT Robinson, J Chiang
Strategic Management Journal 23 (9), 855-866, 2002
Consumption experience and sales promotion expenditure
C Fornell, WT Robinson, B Wernerfelt
Management Science 31 (9), 1084-1105, 1985
Are Sutton's Predictions Robust?: Empirical Insights into Advertising, R & D, and Concentration
WT Robinson, J Chiang
The Journal of Industrial Economics, 389-408, 1996
Entry for supermarket feature me-too brands: An empirical explanation of incidence and timing
IC Sinapuelas, WT Robinson
Marketing Letters 20, 183-196, 2009
Do stock prices undervalue investments in advertising?
YK Oh, H Gulen, JM Kim, WT Robinson
Marketing Letters 27, 611-626, 2016
Do me‐too brands price lower than the feature pioneer?
I Clark S. Sinapuelas, WT Robinson
Journal of Product & Brand Management 21 (5), 350-358, 2012
Survival determinants for online retailers
R Nikolaeva, MU Kalwani, WT Robinson, S Sriram
Review of Marketing Science 7 (1), 0000102202154656161075, 2009
Market pioneering and sustainable market share advantages in industrial goods manufacturing industries
WT Robinson
Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences …, 1984
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