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Random distributed feedback fibre laser
SK Turitsyn, SA Babin, AE El-Taher, P Harper, DV Churkin, SI Kablukov, ...
Nature photonics 4 (4), 231-235, 2010
Random distributed feedback fibre lasers
SK Turitsyn, SA Babin, DV Churkin, ID Vatnik, M Nikulin, EV Podivilov
Physics reports 542 (2), 133-193, 2014
Recent advances in fundamentals and applications of random fiber lasers
DV Churkin, S Sugavanam, ID Vatnik, Z Wang, EV Podivilov, SA Babin, ...
Advances in Optics and Photonics 7 (3), 516-569, 2015
Improved shell model of turbulence
VS L’vov, E Podivilov, A Pomyalov, I Procaccia, D Vandembroucq
Physical Review E 58 (2), 1811, 1998
Four-wave-mixing-induced turbulent spectral broadening in a long Raman fiber laser
SA Babin, DV Churkin, AE Ismagulov, SI Kablukov, EV Podivilov
JOSA B 24 (8), 1729-1738, 2007
Tunable random fiber laser
SA Babin, AE El-Taher, P Harper, EV Podivilov, SK Turitsyn
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 021805, 2011
The laminar–turbulent transition in a fibre laser
EG Turitsyna, SV Smirnov, S Sugavanam, N Tarasov, X Shu, SA Babin, ...
Nature Photonics 7 (10), 783-786, 2013
Raman fiber lasers with a random distributed feedback based on Rayleigh scattering
DV Churkin, SA Babin, AE El-Taher, P Harper, SI Kablukov, V Karalekas, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (3), 033828, 2010
Origin of stretched exponential relaxation for hopping-transport models
B Sturman, E Podivilov, M Gorkunov
Physical review letters 91 (17), 176602, 2003
Wave kinetics of random fibre lasers
DV Churkin, IV Kolokolov, EV Podivilov, ID Vatnik, MA Nikulin, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6214, 2015
Effect of Rayleigh-scattering distributed feedback on multiwavelength Raman fiber laser generation
AE El-Taher, P Harper, SA Babin, DV Churkin, EV Podivilov, ...
Optics letters 36 (2), 130-132, 2011
Light pulse slowing down up to 0.025 cm/s by photorefractive two-wave coupling
E Podivilov, B Sturman, A Shumelyuk, S Odoulov
Physical review letters 91 (8), 083902, 2003
High-order random Raman lasing in a PM fiber with ultimate efficiency and narrow bandwidth
SA Babin, EA Zlobina, SI Kablukov, EV Podivilov
Scientific reports 6 (1), 22625, 2016
20 nJ 200 fs all-fiber highly chirped dissipative soliton oscillator
DS Kharenko, EV Podivilov, AA Apolonski, SA Babin
Optics letters 37 (19), 4104-4106, 2012
270-km ultralong Raman fiber laser
SK Turitsyn, JD Ania-Castañón, SA Babin, V Karalekas, P Harper, ...
Physical review letters 103 (13), 133901, 2009
Output spectrum of Yb-doped fiber lasers
SI Kablukov, EA Zlobina, EV Podivilov, SA Babin
Optics letters 37 (13), 2508-2510, 2012
Multicolour nonlinearly bound chirped dissipative solitons
SA Babin, EV Podivilov, DS Kharenko, AE Bednyakova, MP Fedoruk, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4653, 2014
Approaching the microjoule frontier with femtosecond laser oscillators: theory and comparison with experiment
VL Kalashnikov, E Podivilov, A Chernykh, S Naumov, A Fernandez, ...
New Journal of Physics 7 (1), 217, 2005
Self-scanned single-frequency operation of a fiber laser driven by a self-induced phase grating
IA Lobach, SI Kablukov, EV Podivilov, SA Babin
Laser Physics Letters 11 (4), 045103, 2014
Theory of photorefractive vectorial wave coupling in cubic crystals
BI Sturman, EV Podivilov, KH Ringhofer, E Shamonina, VP Kamenov, ...
Physical Review E 60 (3), 3332, 1999
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