Wei Yi
Cited by
Cited by
Linear specific heat of carbon nanotubes
W Yi, L Lu, Z Dian-Lin, ZW Pan, SS Xie
Physical Review B 59 (14), R9015, 1999
3ω method for specific heat and thermal conductivity measurements
L Lu, W Yi, DL Zhang
Review of scientific instruments 72 (7), 2996-3003, 2001
Biological plausibility and stochasticity in scalable VO2 active memristor neurons
W Yi, KK Tsang, SK Lam, X Bai, JA Crowell, EA Flores
Nature communications 9 (1), 4661, 2018
Engineering nonlinearity into memristors for passive crossbar applications
J Joshua Yang, MX Zhang, MD Pickett, F Miao, J Paul Strachan, WD Li, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (11), 113501-113501-4, 2012
State dynamics and modeling of tantalum oxide memristors
JP Strachan, AC Torrezan, F Miao, MD Pickett, JJ Yang, W Yi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 60 (7), 2194-2202, 2013
Metal/TiO2 interfaces for memristive switches
JJ Yang, JP Strachan, F Miao, MX Zhang, MD Pickett, W Yi, DAA Ohlberg, ...
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 102 (4), 785-789, 2011
Continuous Electrical Tuning of the Chemical Composition of TaOx-Based Memristors
F Miao, W Yi, I Goldfarb, JJ Yang, MX Zhang, MD Pickett, JP Strachan, ...
ACS nano 6 (3), 2312-2318, 2012
Edge transport in the trivial phase of InAs/GaSb
F Nichele, HJ Suominen, M Kjaergaard, CM Marcus, E Sajadi, JA Folk, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (8), 083005, 2016
Quantized conductance coincides with state instability and excess noise in tantalum oxide memristors
W Yi, SE Savel'ev, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, F Miao, MX Zhang, JJ Yang, ...
Nature Communications 7, 2016
Electric and magnetic tuning between the trivial and topological phases in InAs/GaSb double quantum wells
F Qu, AJA Beukman, S Nadj-Perge, M Wimmer, BM Nguyen, W Yi, ...
Physical review letters 115 (3), 036803, 2015
Feedback write scheme for memristive switching devices
W Yi, F Perner, MS Qureshi, H Abdalla, MD Pickett, JJ Yang, MXM Zhang, ...
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 102 (4), 973-982, 2011
Scalable fabrication of nanowire photonic and electronic circuits using spin-on glass
MA Zimmler, D Stichtenoth, C Ronning, W Yi, V Narayanamurti, T Voss, ...
Nano letters 8 (6), 1695-1699, 2008
Quantized Conductance and Large g-Factor Anisotropy in InSb Quantum Point Contacts
F Qu, J van Veen, FK de Vries, AJA Beukman, M Wimmer, W Yi, ...
Nano Letters 16 (12), 7509-7513, 2016
Tunneling into multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Coulomb blockade and the Fano resonance
W Yi, L Lu, H Hu, ZW Pan, SS Xie
Physical review letters 91 (7), 076801, 2003
Electronic structure and transport measurements of amorphous transition-metal oxides: observation of Fermi glass behavior
I Goldfarb, F Miao, JJ Yang, W Yi, JP Strachan, MX Zhang, MD Pickett, ...
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 1-11, 2012
Chemically synthesized nanowire TiO2/ZnO core-shell pn junction array for high sensitivity ultraviolet photodetector
TD Dao, CTT Dang, G Han, CV Hoang, W Yi, V Narayanamurti, T Nagao
Applied Physics Letters 103 (19), 193119, 2013
Giant Spin-Orbit Splitting in Inverted Double Quantum Wells
F Nichele, M Kjaergaard, HJ Suominen, R Skolasinski, M Wimmer, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (1), 016801, 2017
Direct Imaging of Atomic-Scale Ripples in Few-Layer Graphene
WL Wang, S Bhandari, W Yi, DC Bell, R Westervelt, E Kaxiras
Nano letters 12 (5), 2278-2282, 2012
Decoupling Edge Versus Bulk Conductance in the Trivial Regime of an Double Quantum Well Using Corbino Ring Geometry
BM Nguyen, AA Kiselev, R Noah, W Yi, F Qu, AJA Beukman, FK de Vries, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (7), 077701, 2016
AC sense technique for memristor crossbar
MS Qureshi, W Yi, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, RS Williams
Electronics letters 48 (13), 757-758, 2012
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Articles 1–20