Paul Vriend
Paul Vriend
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Netherlands
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Cited by
Rapid assessment of floating macroplastic transport in the Rhine
P Vriend, C Van Calcar, M Kooi, H Landman, R Pikaar, T Van Emmerik
EGU General Assembly, 2020
River export of macro-and microplastics to seas by sources worldwide
M Strokal, P Vriend, MP Bak, C Kroeze, J van Wijnen, T van Emmerik
Nature Communications 14 (1), 4842, 2023
Riverbank macrolitter in the Dutch Rhine–Meuse delta
T Van Emmerik, C Roebroek, W De Winter, P Vriend, M Boonstra, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104087, 2020
Plastic pollution research in Indonesia: state of science and future research directions to reduce impacts
P Vriend, H Hidayat, J van Leeuwen, MR Cordova, NP Purba, AJ Löhr, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 692907, 2021
Same but Different: A Framework to Design and Compare Riverbank Plastic Monitoring Strategies
P Vriend, CTJ Roebroek, T van Emmerik
Frontiers in Water 2 (563791), 2020
Deep learning for detecting macroplastic litter in water bodies: A review
T Jia, Z Kapelan, R de Vries, P Vriend, EC Peereboom, I Okkerman, ...
Water Research 231, 119632, 2023
Hydrology as a driver of floating river plastic transport
T van Emmerik, S De Lange, R Frings, L Schreyers, H Aalderink, ...
Earth's Future 10 (8), e2022EF002811, 2022
Disentangling variability in riverbank macrolitter observations
CTJ Roebroek, R Hut, P Vriend, W De Winter, M Boonstra, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (8), 4932-4942, 2021
Future microplastics in the Black Sea: River exports and reduction options for zero pollution
V Strokal, EJ Kuiper, MP Bak, P Vriend, M Wang, J van Wijnen, M Strokal
Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113633, 2022
Sample size requirements for riverbank macrolitter characterization
SI de Lange, Y Mellink, P Vriend, PF Tasseron, F Begemann, R Hauk, ...
Frontiers in Water 4, 1085285, 2023
An evaluation of the River-OSPAR method for quantifying macrolitter on Dutch riverbanks
T van Emmerik, P Vriend, J Roebroek
Wageningen University, 2020
Roadmap for long-term macroplastic monitoring in rivers
T van Emmerik, P Vriend, E Copius Peereboom
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 802245, 2022
COVID-19 estimated to have increased plastics, diclofenac, and triclosan pollution in more than half of urban rivers worldwide
Q Zhang, C Kroeze, S Cui, Y Li, L Ma, V Strokal, P Vriend, M Wang, ...
Cell Reports Sustainability 1 (1), 2024
Hydrology as a driver of floating river plastic transport, Earths Future, 10, e2022EF002811
T Van Emmerik, S de Lange, R Frings, L Schreyers, H Aalderink, ...
Macroplastic concentrations in the water column of the river Rhine increase with higher discharge
P Vriend, M Schoor, M Rus, SB Oswald, FPL Collas
Science of The Total Environment 900, 165716, 2023
Defining plastic pollution hotspots
PF Tasseron, THM van Emmerik, P Vriend, R Hauk, F Alberti, Y Mellink, ...
Science of the Total Environment 934, 173294, 2024
Rapid assessment of floating macroplastic transport in the Rhine, Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 10
P Vriend, C Van Calcar, M Kooi, H Landman, R Pikaar, T Van Emmerik
River plastic transport and storage budget
LJ Schreyers, THM van Emmerik, F Huthoff, FPL Collas, C Wegman, ...
Water Research 259, 121786, 2024
The MARINA-Plastic model: Global river export of macro-and microplastics from over 10,000 sub-basins to coastal seas
M Strokal, P Vriend, J van Wijnen, C Kroeze, T van Emmerik
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-649, 2021
Routekaart Zwerfafvalmonitoring Nederlandse rivieren
T van Emmerik, P Vriend
Wageningen University, Hydrologie & Kwantitatief Waterbeheer, 2021
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Articles 1–20