Cristina Quintas Soriano
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Cited by
Impacts of land use change on ecosystem services and implications for human well-being in Spanish drylands
C Quintas-Soriano, AJ Castro, H Castro, M García-Llorente
Land use policy 54, 534-548, 2016
Collaborative mapping of ecosystem services: The role of stakeholders׳ profiles
AP García-Nieto, C Quintas-Soriano, M García-Llorente, I Palomo, ...
Ecosystem Services 13, 141-152, 2015
Social-ecological systems influence ecosystem service perception
C Quintas-Soriano, JS Brandt, K Running, CV Baxter, DM Gibson, ...
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
Ecosystem services provided by biocrusts: From ecosystem functions to social values
E Rodríguez-Caballero, AJ Castro, S Chamizo, C Quintas-Soriano, ...
Journal of Arid environments 159, 45-53, 2018
Scientific and local ecological knowledge, shaping perceptions towards protected areas and related ecosystem services
MA Cebrián-Piqueras, A Filyushkina, DN Johnson, VB Lo, ...
Landscape Ecology 35 (11), 2549-2567, 2020
Effects of land abandonment on nature contributions to people and good quality of life components in the Mediterranean region: A review
C Quintas-Soriano, A Buerkert, T Plieninger
Land Use Policy 116, 106053, 2022
Implications of urban growth and farmland loss for ecosystem services in the western United States
J Narducci, C Quintas-Soriano, A Castro, R Som-Castellano, JS Brandt
Land use policy 86, 1-11, 2019
Integrating supply and demand in ecosystem service bundles characterization across Mediterranean transformed landscapes
C Quintas-Soriano, M García-Llorente, A Norström, M Meacham, ...
Landscape Ecology 34, 1619-1633, 2019
Ecosystem services values in Spain: A meta-analysis
C Quintas-Soriano, B Martín-López, F Santos-Martín, M Loureiro, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 55, 186-195, 2016
From supply to social demand: a landscape-scale analysis of the water regulation service
C Quintas-Soriano, AJ Castro, M García-Llorente, J Cabello, H Castro
Landscape Ecology 29, 1069-1082, 2014
Exploring land-use histories of tree-crop landscapes: a cross-site comparison in the Mediterranean Basin
F Wolpert, C Quintas-Soriano, T Plieninger
Sustainability Science 15 (5), 1267-1283, 2020
The value of time in biological conservation and supplied ecosystem services: A willingness to give up time exercise
M García-Llorente, AJ Castro, C Quintas-Soriano, I López, H Castro, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 124, 13-21, 2016
Rethinking ecosystem service indicators for their application to intermittent rivers
AV Pastor, O Tzoraki, D Bruno, T Kaletová, C Mendoza-Lera, A Alamanos, ...
Ecological Indicators 137, 108693, 2022
Linking food systems and landscape sustainability in the Mediterranean region
M García-Martín, M Torralba, C Quintas-Soriano, J Kahl, T Plieninger
Landscape Ecology 36, 2259-2275, 2021
Local perceptions of ecosystem services across multiple ecosystem types in Spain
M García-Llorente, A J. Castro, C Quintas-Soriano, E Oteros-Rozas, ...
Land 9 (9), 330, 2020
What has ecosystem service science achieved in Spanish drylands? Evidences of need for transdisciplinary science
C Quintas-Soriano, M García-Llorente, AJ Castro
Journal of Arid Environments 159, 4-10, 2018
Evaluating social learning in participatory mapping of ecosystem services
AP García-Nieto, E Huland, C Quintas-Soriano, I Iniesta-Arandia, ...
Ecosystems and People 15 (1), 257-268, 2019
Social dynamics of values, taboos and perceived threats around sacred groves in Kurdistan, Iran
T Plieninger, C Quintas‐Soriano, M Torralba, K Mohammadi Samani, ...
People and Nature 2 (4), 1237-1250, 2020
Landscape products for sustainable agricultural landscapes
M García-Martín, L Huntsinger, MJ Ibarrola-Rivas, M Penker, ...
Nature Food 3 (10), 814-821, 2022
Landscape change in Europe
M García-Martín, C Quintas-Soriano, M Torralba, F Wolpert, T Plieninger
Sustainable land management in a European context: a co-design approach, 17-37, 2021
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Articles 1–20