Kun-Hong Liu
Kun-Hong Liu
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Cancer classification using rotation forest
KH Liu, DS Huang
Computers in biology and medicine 38 (5), 601-610, 2008
Feature extraction using constrained maximum variance mapping
B Li, DS Huang, C Wang, KH Liu
Pattern Recognition 41 (11), 3287-3294, 2008
A genetic programming-based approach to the classification of multiclass microarray datasets
KH Liu, CG Xu
Bioinformatics 25 (3), 331-337, 2009
Temporal modeling matters: A novel temporal emotional modeling approach for speech emotion recognition
J Ye, XC Wen, Y Wei, Y Xu, K Liu, H Shan
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
An ensemble of SVM classifiers based on gene pairs
M Tong, KH Liu, C Xu, W Ju
Computers in biology and medicine 43 (6), 729-737, 2013
A hierarchical ensemble of ECOC for cancer classification based on multi-class microarray data
KH Liu, ZH Zeng, VTY Ng
Information Sciences 349, 102-118, 2016
Evaluation of the spatio-temporal features and gan for micro-expression recognition system
ST Liong, YS Gan, D Zheng, SM Li, HX Xu, HZ Zhang, RK Lyu, KH Liu
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 92, 705-725, 2020
A novel ECOC algorithm for multiclass microarray data classification based on data complexity analysis
MX Sun, KH Liu, QQ Wu, QQ Hong, BZ Wang, H Zhang
Pattern Recognition 90, 346-362, 2019
Ensemble component selection for improving ICA based microarray data prediction models
KH Liu, B Li, J Zhang, JX Du
Pattern Recognition 42 (7), 1274-1283, 2009
Multi-sub-swarm particle swarm optimization algorithm for multimodal function optimization
J Zhang, DS Huang, KH Liu
2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 3215-3220, 2007
Online signature verification based on the hybrid hmm/ann model
ZH Quan, KH Liu
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 7 (3), 313-322, 2007
Micro-expression recognition using advanced genetic algorithm
KH Liu, QS Jin, HC Xu, YS Gan, ST Liong
Signal Processing: Image Communication 93, 116153, 2021
Integrated neural network and machine vision approach for leather defect classification
ST Liong, YS Gan, YC Huang, KH Liu, WC Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.11731, 2019
Integration of machine learning-based prediction for enhanced Model’s generalization: Application in photocatalytic polishing of palm oil mill effluent (POME)
KH Ng, YS Gan, CK Cheng, KH Liu, ST Liong
Environmental Pollution 267, 115500, 2020
Block division convolutional network with implicit deep features augmentation for micro-expression recognition
B Chen, KH Liu, Y Xu, QQ Wu, JF Yao
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 1345-1358, 2022
A new spatial fuzzy c-means for spatial clustering
Y Guo, K Liu, Q Wu, Q Hong, H Zhang
Wseas Transactions on Computer 14, 369-381, 2015
An enhanced cascade-based deep forest model for drug combination prediction
W Lin, L Wu, Y Zhang, Y Wen, B Yan, C Dai, K Liu, S He, X Bo
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (2), bbab562, 2022
GM-TCNet: Gated multi-scale temporal convolutional network using emotion causality for speech emotion recognition
JX Ye, XC Wen, XZ Wang, Y Xu, Y Luo, CL Wu, LY Chen, KH Liu
Speech Communication 145, 21-35, 2022
Genetic programming based ensemble system for microarray data classification
KH Liu, M Tong, ST Xie, VT Yee Ng
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (1), 193406, 2015
Microarray data classification based on ensemble independent component selection
KH Liu, B Li, QQ Wu, J Zhang, JX Du, GY Liu
Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (11), 953-960, 2009
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