Nguyen Chi Ngon
Nguyen Chi Ngon
Assoc. Professor in Automation, Can Tho University
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Cited by
Fuzzy sliding mode control of an offshore container crane
QH Ngo, NP Nguyen, CN Nguyen, TH Tran, QP Ha
Ocean Engineering 140, 125-134, 2017
Deep Learning Approach for Forecasting Water Quality in IoT Systems
NCN Nguyen Thai-Nghe, Nguyen Thanh-Hai
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA …, 2020
Design and deployment of an IoT-based water quality monitoring system for aquaculture in Mekong Delta
LVQ Danh, DVM Dung, TH Danh, NC Ngon
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 9 (8 …, 2020
Fuzzy sliding mode control of container cranes
QH Ngo, NP Nguyen, CN Nguyen, TH Tran, KS Hong
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 13, 419-425, 2015
Learning deep transferability for several agricultural classification problems
N Duong-Trung, LD Quach, CN Nguyen
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (1), 2019
Payload pendulation and position control systems for an offshore container crane with adaptive‐gain sliding mode control
QH Ngo, NP Nguyen, CN Nguyen, TH Tran, VH Bui
Asian journal of control 22 (5), 2119-2128, 2020
A combination of transfer learning and deep learning for medicinal plant classification
N Duong-Trung, LD Quach, MH Nguyen, CN Nguyen
Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2019
Precise sweetness grading of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) based on random forest technique with low-cost multispectral sensors
CN Nguyen, QT Phan, NT Tran, M Fukuzawa, PL Nguyen, CN Nguyen
IEEE Access 8, 212371-212382, 2020
Towards Classification of Shrimp Diseases Using Transferred Convolutional Neural Networks
N Duong-Trung, LD Quach, CN Nguyen
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) 5 …, 2020
The benefits of using Guyton's model in a hypotensive control system
CN Nguyen, O Simanski, R Kähler, A Schubert, M Janda, J Bajorat, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 89 (2), 153-161, 2008
Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking Control with Diversity of Inputs
TT Pham, MT Le, CN Nguyen
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 10 (11 …, 2021
Delta robot control using single neuron PID algorithms based on recurrent fuzzy neural network identifiers
LHT Le Minh Thanh, PT Loc, CN Nguyen
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 9 (10 …, 2020
Classification of grain discoloration via transfer learning and convolutional neural networks
N Duong-Trung, LD Quach, MH Nguyen, CN Nguyen
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft …, 2019
An online fuzzy gain scheduling for blood pressure regulation
CN Nguyen, O Simanski, A Schubert, R Kähler, B Lampe
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 13-18, 2005
A novel short fiber Bragg grating accelerometer based on a V-type dual mass block structure for low-and medium-frequency vibration measurements
HD Le, CC Chiang, CN Nguyen, HC Hsu
Optics & Laser Technology 161, 109131, 2023
A forecasting model for monitoring water quality in aquaculture and fisheries IoT systems
N Thai-Nghe, TT Hung, NC Ngon
2020 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP …, 2020
An approach for building an intelligent parking support system
N Thai-Nghe, N Chi-Ngon
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Information and Communication Technology …, 2014
Evaluating the quality of intelligent controllers for 3-DOF delta robot control
LHT Le Minh Thanh, PT Tung, CT Pham, CN Nguyen
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 10 (10 …, 2021
Điều khiển PID một nơron thích nghi dựa trên bộ nhận dạng mạng nơron mờ hồi qui áp dụng cho hệ thanh và bóng
NC Ngôn, Đ Tín
Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học cần Thơ, 159-168, 2011
Crack identification on the fresh chilli (Capsicum) fruit destemmed system
QK Huynh, CN Nguyen, HP Vo-Nguyen, PL Tran-Nguyen, PH Le, DKL Le, ...
Journal of Sensors 2021 (1), 8838247, 2021
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Articles 1–20