Juan Ye
Cited by
Cited by
Situation identification techniques in pervasive computing: A review
J Ye, S Dobson, S McKeever
Pervasive and mobile computing 8 (1), 36-66, 2012
Ontology-based models in pervasive computing systems
J Ye, L Coyle, S Dobson, P Nixon
The Knowledge Engineering Review 22 (4), 315-347, 2007
Social sensors and pervasive services: Approaches and perspectives
A Rosi, M Mamei, F Zambonelli, S Dobson, G Stevenson, J Ye
2011 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2011
Activity recognition using temporal evidence theory
S McKeever, J Ye, L Coyle, C Bleakley, S Dobson
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 2 (3), 253-269, 2010
KCAR: A knowledge-driven approach for concurrent activity recognition
J Ye, G Stevenson, S Dobson
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 19, 47-70, 2015
Developing pervasive multi-agent systems with nature-inspired coordination
F Zambonelli, A Omicini, B Anzengruber, G Castelli, FL De Angelis, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 17, 236-252, 2015
USMART: An unsupervised semantic mining activity recognition technique
J Ye, G Stevenson, S Dobson
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 4 (4), 1-27, 2014
A top-level ontology for smart environments
J Ye, G Stevenson, S Dobson
Pervasive and mobile computing 7 (3), 359-378, 2011
Self-aware pervasive service ecosystems
F Zambonelli, G Castelli, L Ferrari, M Mamei, A Rosi, G Di Marzo, ...
Procedia Computer Science 7, 197-199, 2011
Semantic web technologies in pervasive computing: A survey and research roadmap
J Ye, S Dasiopoulou, G Stevenson, G Meditskos, E Kontopoulos, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 23, 1-25, 2015
Wearable assistive technologies for autism: opportunities and challenges
EM Benssassi, JC Gomez, LAE Boyd, GR Hayes, J Ye
IEEE Pervasive Computing 17 (2), 11-21, 2018
Detecting abnormal events on binary sensors in smart home environments
J Ye, G Stevenson, S Dobson
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 33, 32-49, 2016
Loc8: a location model and extensible framework for programming with location
G Stevenson, J Ye, S Dobson, P Nixon
IEEE Pervasive Computing 9 (1), 28-37, 2009
A unified semantics space model
J Ye, L Coyle, S Dobson, P Nixon
International Symposium on Location-and Context-Awareness, 103-120, 2007
Resolving uncertainty in context integration and abstraction: context integration and abstraction
J Ye, S McKeever, L Coyle, S Neely, S Dobson
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services, 131-140, 2008
Using situation lattices to model and reason about context
J Ye, L Coyle, S Dobson, P Nixon
Proceedings of MRC 2007, 1-12, 2007
Unsupervised domain adaptation in activity recognition: A GAN-based approach
AR Sanabria, F Zambonelli, J Ye
IEEE Access 9, 19421-19438, 2021
Continual learning in sensor-based human activity recognition: An empirical benchmark analysis
S Jha, M Schiemer, F Zambonelli, J Ye
Information Sciences 575, 1-21, 2021
Using dempster-shafer theory of evidence for situation inference
S McKeever, J Ye, L Coyle, S Dobson
European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, 149-162, 2009
A context quality model to support transparent reasoning with uncertain context
S McKeever, J Ye, L Coyle, S Dobson
International Workshop on Quality of Context, 65-75, 2009
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Articles 1–20